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Do you still tape/seal exterior sheathing with ADA?

Jack G.| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

The plan is to use the ADA for the interior of the house (Zone 3). The whole exterior of the house will be sheathed with plywood. If using ADA is it still advisable to tape/seal the exterior sheathing?

Do you recommend tape for the exterior plywood or some sort of caulking as it is being installed. In this build the exterior edge of all the plywood will be over a stud (required for shearwalling in this seismic zone). Because the plywood edges will be over studs, it would seem that caulking may work well?

Assuming caulk – is acoustical caulk appropriate?

The wall will be from the inside out:

ADA、湿喷纤维(如果我可以找到一个installer in the Los Angeles area), 2×6, plywood sheathing, housewrap, James Hardie type cement siding.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    There is plenty of information on the GBA site to help you answer your questions. I suggest that you read these three articles:

    One Air Barrier or Two?

    Airtight Wall and Roof Sheathing

    Air-Sealing Tapes and Gaskets

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