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Does Grace Ice & Water adhere well to OSB sheathing?

Jabberwocky79| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

We will soon be adding the OSB sheathing to our new build, and I intend to build a PERSIST wall system.

Based on this particular quote in an article on this site: “Peel-and-stick tape on OSB doesn’t work without a primer.” …along with a video of building a PERSIST house in Austin Texas, in which they coated the OSB with some sort of primer before applying the peel-n-stick, I am wondering if this a crucial step? Did I miss that detail in the PERSIST article or was it omitted for some reason? I was planning on using Grace Ice and Water Shield. Many thanks!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Grace Ice & Water Shield sticks to OSB without any primer. (Click the image to enlarge it.)


  2. brendanalbano||#2

    I know this doesn't answer your question, but why not just use taped Zip sheathing rather than the peel and stick? I'm always curious as to why people choose peel and stick vs fluid applied vs integrated (e.g. Zip).

  3. Expert Member

    FWIW, if you want to save money and still come up with a good wall assembly, you could install regular tapped OSB plus tapped outsulation on top of the OSB to form a WRB and mitigate thermal bridging. In our part of the world, all of this can be accomplished with the price of a single Zip system , and even more savings if we were to use Ice & Shield.

  4. Jabberwocky79||#4

    Thank you for the answer.

    I appreciate the suggestions, but I'm going to go with the proven method of the PERSIST system. Yes, I could use Zip walls, but this is a small project, approx. 60 linear feet, and the price I can get regular OSB at a local supplier does not justify the additional cost of ZIP panels, tape, etc. I will sleep better at night with the roofing membrane.

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