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Duct board

raul4817| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I’m in the beginning stages of replacing my furnace and wanted to modify my return side.

Currently I have returns on the outside walls and supplies on the interior walls.

I’m content with the supply side design so wanted to leave it as such.
But my return side could use some love. It is basically a joist bay with some sheet metal tacked up. The register is a simple boot from sheet metal as well.

I planned to run a spiral duct off the return trunk to the existing in wall boots. But that transition is where I’m hung up. I thought of building i new wall boot out of duct board.
Is this reasonable?? How well does duct board hold up.

Could I not use ridgid foam to accomplish the same thing??

I hate all the dust and debris that gets into the return side from it being exposed and I’m sure a sealed return side would be more efficient as well.


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