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Duct Insulation Sleeves – Black PP or Reflective Foil?

Lance Peters| Posted inMechanicalson

Right out of the gate, I am NOT talking about foil faced bubble wrap duct insulation. This question is specifically in regards to FIBERGALSS INSULATED DUCT SLEEVES.

I see generally two types of fiberglass insulated duct sleeves available; those with some sort of plastic covering and those with a reflective foil type covering.

I would assume the foil covered types might be intended for use in an unconditioned attic with high summer temperatures? But my question applies to using these products within the conditioned space.

An example of both products can be seen here:

If using for heating/AC ductwork or ERV ducts, within the conditioned space of the home, which would be recommended and why?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The performance of these products depends on the R-value. You'll note fromthe spec sheet that you linked tothat the R-value of these products is identical -- that is, the duct insulation with a black polyethylene jacket has the same R-value as the duct insulation with a "metalized" jacket.

    So you can choose either product.

    -- Martin Holladay

  2. Lance Peters||#2

    Thanks Martin, I figured as much. I just wanted to see if one would have a benefit over the other if there was a cost difference between the two.

    Our 2004 Canadian code-built home has un-insulated and unsealed ductwork. It also suffers from cold rooms at the front of the house, farthest from the furnace. I hope to do everything in my power to avoid that situation with our new build.

    I sealed what little exposed ductwork there was in the unfinished section of the basement but it seemed to have minimal effect.

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