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Ending ice dams and resultant water damage

Jake Swenson|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon



We air-sealed and insulated attic in fall 2005 via Mass Save program incentives and Conservation Services Group. They air-sealed throughout and blew in cellulose insulation over existing fiberglass batting. However, we only have roof vent and a gable end vent in the attic, no soffit venting at all, which I was told at inspection should be done but we haven’t had that done yet.

We also have 10 recessed lights in second floor that were there when we bought house and have merely been wrapped in fiberglass when attic was insulated, which seems totally useless. We have gutters on main roof areas with leaf relief gutter covers on them that were installed 2 years ago.

Last winter we had icicles and ice dams and icicles coming out of our siding on south facing side of house as well as some water dripping through a newly renovated kitchen window wall as well as icicles and ice dams on north-facing side of house. Due to a tree destroying part of our house in Feb 2010, we installed a new roof in summer 2010. This winter despite new roof and hiring roof raking service to remove snow we were slammed. Major ceiling water damage in upstairs bedroom on north facing part of house, and downstairs in kitchen, dining room, family room, all south facing. Significant ice dams on both south and north sides of house. The ice and water shield that was used for new roof clearly did nothing. The G/C who did our roofing is claiming not his issue and it may not be, I have no idea.

QUESTIONS: It sounds from other research I’ve done online that we need to do the following. Appreciate feedback/suggestions:

1.安装连续的拱腹通风 - 似乎很容易,就这样做。

2. Revisit all insulation in attic and find expert to do more advanced work on completely insulating and eliminating air infiltration to keep warm air out of attic and support a good “cold roof” system. I called an insulation specialist company in 2009 to review work done and they didn’t really suggest additional work in attic of any significance but they were highly rated by others. Can I trust an insulation specialist or should I be talking to someone who specializes in building envelopes and establishes strategy for insulation companies to execute on?

3. Related to #2 above, remove recessed lights or upgrade to completely insulatable version – maybe low heat emitting like LED? I’m willing to remove or replace recessed lights with fully insulated options if that works but hate to have to deal with the costs of all ceiling work.

4.让某人检查屋顶,并确保原始安装中没有差距 /问题,并且沿屋顶边缘正确安装了冰和水上盾。房屋检查员可以这样做(我们非常喜欢我们的原始检查员),还是我应该打电话给其他屋顶承包商或其他专家?

5. Consider removing gutters on some part or all of roof? I’ve heard gutters aren’t the issue with dams but have to wonder. Will this help at all, and what are the downsides of doing this as long as we landscape appropriately?

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  1. 大卫Meiland||#1

    It sounds like you have a decent grasp of this already. The attic is probably too warm due to insulation and air leakage issues. Blowing cellulose over fiberglass is apparently pretty common, but I don't know how the air sealing work can really be done without completely removing the fiberglass as the first step. I have had a few homeowners show me the door when I told them I would be tossing all the old insulation out so that I could completely clear the attic and get at every single air leak. Unfortunately, that's what you might need to do. The can lights are not helping either, and the IC/AT versions won't be much better. What's the access (stairs? hatch?) and what was done to seal that?


  2. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    It sounds like you are on the right track. A few thoughts:


    2. The Conservation Services Group has a good reputation, so you should get on the phone and explain your situation, in hopes that someone there will take your call seriously and suggest some remedies.

    3. My guess is that the main flaw in your ceiling is air leakage. After you find a contractor to address you ceiling's air leaks, the next question is the R-value of your attic insulation. How deep is your insulation?

    4. Once you've had the air sealing done and verified that you have at least R-49 of attic insulation -- more is better -- you can consider installing soffit vents, although soffit vents are not a certain remedy, and their lack is not the cause of your problem.



    7. In case you missed it, here's a blog I wrote on ice dams:Prevent Ice Dams With Air Sealing and Insulation.

  3. 大卫·费伊(David Fay)||#3

    Rather than just air sealing and crossing your fingers, you could find someone skilled with a blower door who can test how much air actually leaks into your attic. Not everyone with a blower door knows how to do this, but some do. Air sealing can be done while repeating this measurement so you would know for sure how tight you got it.

    Energy Metrics

  4. Jake Swenson||#4

    Thanks all for the helpful suggestions. As a follow up to some additional questions from responders, CSG ran the program and did building envelope analysis but pretty sure they sub most analysis and installation work out. They spent .5 days air sealing but pretty sure they didn't take up boards in narrow walkway that runs across center of attic to insulate under or air seal there and not sure how much sealing they did around the cans or under existing fiberglass. Door entry to attic is covered with 2" polysocyanurate and air sealed and has a seal at bottom opening. They air sealed and added insulation up entire stairs to attic. We had 8" of additional cellulose blown in across entire attic. I don't believe they put any channels or barriers at perimeter, they just blew it everywhere. I found the original report from CSG from back in 2005 and they did a blower door test as part of initial work. Pre-air sealing it read 4091, post it was 3220. No idea if that is good or bad. I don't see many hot spot areas on roof and we had good amounts of snow remaining on roof late into winter, but we still just get significant ice dam formation. Roof slope is pretty steep too in problem areas. I recounted and we actually have 12 recessed lights total. I'd agree we likely need additional air sealing to help insulation do its job.

  5. Robert Hronek||#5



    Now going off of what you said is that there are not soffit vents. I think it is totally ridiculous that other work was done prior to putting in proper soffit vents and vent chutes. There is an order to do things. Going back in to disturb insulation to install soffit venting is wrong. This goes back to tradesman selling their good/services.



    我认为在许多情况下,我们需要促进高级诊断的使用和好处。需要进行更多的测试 - 进出。适当的审核将确定您的缺陷并提供有序的行动方案。行动过程将是1)拱腹通风口和沟渠2)地址可以灯光3)完成空气密封即使意味着要去除现有的绝缘材料4)绝缘。


  6. 大卫Meiland||#6

    我同意大卫·费伊(David Fay)的建议,以重新测试房屋和Measure House WRT阁楼是一个很好的选择。结果可能是阁楼与房屋有很好的联系。未能将玻璃纤维完全移出的失败是致命的。罗伯特对IR的建议也很好。这样很容易看到热泄漏进入阁楼。这是阁楼中罐头(不打开)和典型FG的图像。

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