Homeowner has ordered a European tilt & turn window, and a lift & slide door. They haven’t been able to provide with additional details on the installation. They say that they install similar to a North American nail flange. Does anyone have experience installing these? Any best practices? What can I expect when they arrive?
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You may find these videos useful. There are of course specific to the manufacturers products but the same principles can be applied to interior air sealing and exterior weatherproofing for windows/doors set into the middle area of the rough opening rather than on the exterior face. Their German youtube also has a variety of installation examples.
The ones I've done where Rehau UPVC ones without mounting brackets, I can't speak for wood ones.
First off, if they are triple pane, they be VERY heavy. Larger windows are definitely a two person job.
- 固定窗户通过卸下内部周围的密封。这只是捕捉到框架,您可以用坚硬的刮板将其分开。玻璃将在边缘周围有垫片,跟踪这些垫片,因为它们在重新安装时必须返回一次。与NA窗户不同,玻璃不会用玻璃胶带固定在适当的位置。
- 通过将销子拉到上铰链中,将其倾斜并从底部铰链上抬起,可以操作可操作的窗户。
With all the glass out you are left with a pretty light weight frame, which you install as you normally would. Watch to make sure the window stays square. You don't shim it tight like NA windows, you just put in the shims to level it and hold it in place while the screws go in and the SPF sets.
Once the window is in put the glass back and check operation. There are lot of adjustments but I've rarely had to touch them.
Tilt and slides are similar setup (remove glass, square and install fame, put back glass). They are a royal pain to adjust, my best effort only got it mostly working. I had to get somebody that is familiar with them in the end to do the final adjustments.
Thank you. This was helpful.
Hi Whitestone_Builder.
Installing European-style windows in a wood-framed wall is quite a bit different than installing a flanged window, but it's not a daunting endeavor. Preparing the rough opening is about the same, of course. Install a back dam and pitched sill, shingle-lap the flashing from sill to the top of the rough opening, etc.
As far as mounting the windows, the brands that I have seen installed came with mounting clips and screws. I just saw some Schuco windows installed a few weeks ago (article coming in January), and setting the window was remarkably easy with the included fasteners. In fact, their fully-threaded screws relieve the need for shims on the sides of the windows because they lock the frame in place. And because the frame is so rigid, if you set the bottom level, the unit will be plumb. As noted above, they are heavy. Have some extra help on hand, particularly for the door.
在厚墙中,您需要确定在开口处找到窗口的位置。它可能会使闪烁更容易将其带到护套的平面上,但这也使窗户的顶部更容易受到水的渗透。放回后面可以提供一些保护。在相当厚的墙壁上,许多建筑商说,墙壁的中间是表演的最佳位置。如果您决定将窗户从墙面的脸部设置回窗户,请查看Siga Fentrim胶带。它具有折叠的边缘,设计用于窗口上的窗口和两部分的释放表,以使安装变得更加容易。
Whitestone_builder, I've seen flanges on only one project with European-style tilt/turn windows, included at the builder's request. My spec, as designer, was for the standard clip installation. The builder said the installation was pretty comparable to American flanged units with non-integral flanges that require extra steps to ensure water- and air-tightness. With all of the high performance tapes available for sealing the window to the frame, I would go with the flangeless installation if possible.