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Foam under slab details

dsmcn|发布GBA Pro Help

New residential construction, Zone 4A, slab on grade with attached garage. Three questions:

1. Most builders around here pour the entire slab flat; in other words, no slope to garage door and no step up into the house. Is this an okay practice?


3. What is the detail for continuing the foam below bearing walls that will be supported by a thickened slab?


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  1. Expert Member


    1) I don't know which code you are under but ours mandates that attached garages have both a slope to the overhead doors and a sill between the garage and house.



    2) Is answered above. A continuous slab isn't a good idea.

    3) Foam is available which can withstand a variety of compressive loads. You can run it continuously under the thickened parts of your slab. Some people are uncomfortable placing the load-bearing portions of their house on foam. If you feel that way, the energy penalty for leaving out the foam under a couple of walls is very small.

  2. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    Malcolm gave you good advice. The garage slab should be poured separately.


    When I built my garage, I placed the slab on a solid base consisting of compacted gravel (with fines), followed by 4 inches + of crushed stone. The crushed stone was raked and shaped for a thickened-edge slab. The rigid foam was installed on top of the crushed stone, conforming to the slope creating the thickened edge. I though this would be trickier than it was; it was fairly easy. You can use some tape to hold the foam in place if needed.

    因此,我的平板边缘下有泡沫。您可以做到 - 但是如果您担心,请与工程师交谈。


    Another reason for a step up from the garage is that gasoline fumes are heavier than air. In case of a spill or leak, you don't want fumes flowing under the door and into the house.

  4. vtcaleb||#4



    Thank you,


  5. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#5


  6. dsmcn||#6


    马丁,how do you keep the trap in the floor drain from drying out, especially during dry seasons?

    Secondly: Malcolm and Martin, I would of course install a good exterior threshold (I prefer bumper thresholds); the question is whether a riser is necessary?I.e. is it necessary to have a step up from garage to house; and if so, how high?

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7

    My floor drain is not connected to a septic system or city sewer system, so there are no smells to bother me. A dry trap causes no problems.

    The two methods I have heard of for keeping traps from drying out are:

    1. Pouring a little water down the drain when it begins to smell.

    2. Pouring a little water down the drain, followed by a few tablespoons of mineral oil or vegetable oil to reduce the evaporation rate of the water in the trap.

  8. Expert Member

    大卫,I'll reiterate: you need to first check your building code to see what it mandates as far as separation, slope and sills between the garage and house. For the reasons I mentioned there should be a difference between the height of the garage and house slabs. If the code doesn't prescribe a certain height, I'd use three inches.

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