回到2010年我写道并收到了“Riversong”的一些良好指导。“我们正在考虑在阁楼楼层重新装入阁楼。作为随访,我以为我会报告结果。我们有一个绝缘公司从阁楼地板上取下玻璃纤维,并用Demilec Agrabalance开放式泡沫填充空腔。在地板的主区域,填充2“×6'腔,然后用7/16 OSB覆盖。没有地板的“外部”区域最多可达9或10英寸的泡沫。他们安装了挡板以保护拱门开口。在将玻璃纤维延伸到eves和其他地方的玻璃纤维延伸得太远。它们在R-4.45每英寸下速率释放泡沫,但也有空气密封的优点。公用事业账单一直合理,但由于价格波动,这有点难以判断我们实现的储蓄程度。 Of course, it did cost around $6000 — $1,900 of which I could have saved be removing the flooring and fiberglass myself. I figured that their experienced and well-equipped crew of five guys would be worth the extra co$t. Previously, we had significant icicles all along the eves and now there are none. I would guess this is a function of both the air sealing and insulation. There seems to be an another advantage. We use the attic for a modest amount of storage. With the fiberglass, it seemed that things were always dusty. I keep a shop vac up there for occasional cleanup. Now it seems that things remain much cleaner and relatively dust free. Anyways, thanks for the guidance. I would be happy to respond to any readers with questions about spray foam based on our experience.