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mlmaggie|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我正在翻新房屋,安装太阳能电池板,摆脱强迫热空气系统,并用迷你切片替换(非常小的房屋<1000平方英尺),我想在浴室中安装一个节能加热系统(大约6个)′ x 8′) as I’m not sure the heat will effectively get there, plus I like to have a separate zone for the bath for the usual reasons. i had thought about electric radiant heat in the floor but have heard that can be quite an energy drain. Do people have a suggestion for a very small heating unit for this purpose? Thanks! Maggie

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  1. wjrobinson||#1




  2. krom||#2

    You can also use a vent fan that has a heater built in. It will prob be an energy hog, but will only get used when you need it, and its hard to beat stepping out of the shower into a hot stream of air

  3. Davidmeiland||#3

    劣质煤, most or all of your choices are going to be direct electrical resistance heat, including the heated mat under tile, fan with built in heater, heat lamp, electric radiator or Cadet heater, etc. As such, they're all around 100% efficient, and none of them is more of an "energy drain" than any other. Personally, I wonder if a lot of the heat generated by a vent fan/heater combo just gets sucked out by the fan, but that's just a hunch. I would go with the heated tile or possibly something like a Convectair electric radiator on the wall (or maybe one of their towel warmers). Get a programmable thermostat for it.

    AJ, it seems like you now say "start building" or "I'm ordering concrete" when you feel you have given the definitive answer and no further discussion should take place. If you start your own web forum, you'll be able to close discussions as soon as you feel they've run their course. Here... not so much.


    I put a fan/light combo unit in a small, well-insulated bath. During the winter, I put a heat lamp in the unit, so when the light was turned on, the heat lamp heated up the toilet seat or the person sitting on the toilet. Radiant heat is comfortable. Worked great and didn't use much energy, since it was only on when someone turned on that light. I had other lights over the sink for general lighting, and replaced the heat lamp with a regular light bulb during the warmer months. The fan/light combo unit would automatically turn on the fan if it overheated, which I guess is possible if someone left the heat lamp on long enough.


    Best of luck with your projects!

  5. wjrobinson||#5




  6. mlmaggie||#6

    还有罗伯特(Robert),它已经非常隔热了,在翻新期间,我们在新壁板下添加了2英寸刚性的隔热材料。窗户是新的,并且像窗户运行一样有效。因此,是的,一般的房子更好比大多数人隔热 - 我们的目标是尽可能接近零能量设计。
    我会检查辐射,Convectair系统和as an adjunct, the heat lamp... would putting the heat lamp with one of those other systems be overkill? if anyone has any other ideas i'd love to hear them. work will not begin in earnest until the summer so there's time to make an informed decision.

  7. wjrobinson||#7




    I have used heat lamps myself. They are low cost and work well for the body. They do nothing for the toes and the floor.


    Choose and build. David, smile my man.... you'll have a better day.




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