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Heating with electric help

Chrisinillinois|发布GBA Pro Help

I have some concerns and some questions I just haven’t been able to find the answer to. At some point I want to upgrade to a heat pump / mini split there are currently $500 incentives to do so. It would be $1500 if I was seer 11. Atm this is out of the budget tho. My current setup.

located in Illinois.
950 to 1000 sq foot house.
R11 to r19 crawlspace floor
R11 walls
11 (32×46) single pane wood windows with exterior aluminum storms. Foamed around, new glazing putty and gaskets.

Currently has seer 13 Goodman AC no heat pump. Nice air handler with support for heat strips.

Electrical base board non hydronic most over sized.



I’m considering installing a heat kit for the air handler but not sure if it would cost me more than my baseboard heaters to operate. It would set me back about $200 to $300.

I have two bedrooms that I need to replace old baseboard heaters in. That would run me about $150.

I was considering forced fan wall heaters but that would move the heating from the perimeter under windows to the interior walls. I’m not sure if that would cause heat saturation issues or other cold drafts etc…



Looking for some input. Thanks

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  1. Expert Member

    If you’re using your electric baseboards as a sort of zoned setup, keeping rooms you’re in warm while the others are cool, then a central electric heat setup may end up costing you more since you’ll be heating the entire house and not just a room or two.

    You may be able to cheaply add some blown insulation into your attic to cut your heat loss down, that might help get a central system’s operating cost down while heating the entire house more evenly.


  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    >"I’m considering installing a heat kit for the air handler but not sure if it would cost me more than my baseboard heaters."

    If the ducts are tight and reasonably well designed and mostly inside the thermal envelope of the house the operating cost of the air handler heat strip is comparable to running the baseboard. If the ducts leak, and are in an attic above the insulation it'll cost more- how much more depends on the particulars.


    Wall heaters with fans are usually a last resort. Adding right-sized heat strip to the AC would be a far better solution from a comfort point of view, if that's what it takes to cover the load.


  3. Chrisinillinois||#3


    It's all about space and heat on a budget atm, I have had to handle a lot of neglected things in my new house over the past year. Trying to get ready for winter and relaxing from all the projects.

    Thanks for all the help everyone.

  4. walta100||#4


    One of your questions seems to be should I switch heating fuels. That choice is driven by the current prices of the fuels in your locality without that info any comments would be guesses and generalities.




    If you keep all the rooms in the house at the same temperature, resistance heaters will use the same amount of electricity no matter where they are install in the air ducts or on the baseboards.


    1. Chrisinillinois||#5

      Thanks Walt, I added my home is in illinois, and fixed the cost of heating to per month.

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