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我们三年前搬进了现在住的房子。它建于2008年。我们有一个完工的地下室,除了浴室、洗衣房和炉房外,整个地下室的墙面都铺着地毯。洗衣房和浴室都铺了瓷砖。炉房全是混凝土。当我们搬进来的时候,我们注意到地毯上的一些随机区域有一些污渍(之前的主人有孩子,所以我们认为它们是洒出来的)。然而,随着时间的推移,污渍似乎有点深,也许在这些点的一些更大(大多数是在房间的中间随机点。比如地毯上有6个小地方都有污渍)。我们用湿度计检查了这些地方,其中一些显示出了高水平的湿气。我们请了一位环保人士出来,他检查了所有的东西,说一切看起来都很好,没有水损坏或霉菌的迹象。 He did suggest we rip the rug out saying basements ( even finished ones should not really have carpeting. He said ours was old anyhow and better to just take out since I have allergies anyways). Well we ripped out all the carpeting little over a week ago. We rechecked the areas that showed moisture before now that the carpet was out and they registered pretty much like the rest of the floor, it was not elevated like when the carpet was in. We even had a waterproofing company come out to inspect and see if we needed to seal the concrete floor. He said everything looked very good, that he saw No visible cracks or anything and just suggested a dehumidifier since the basement can get humid. Well last night we had very heavy rains and this morning we noticed in one of the bedrooms right in the middle of the floor basically where we had a small throw rug( the size of a rug you would put in front of your kitchen sink) and it was very wet( the whole rug was wet). However, everything else around this area and around the walls were dry. The dry wall does not touch the ground thank God so that was done right. But there is no evidence of water intrusion anywhere near the walls. This was in the middle of the room. It did not come from above either. We threw the little area rug out and now the concrete is dry, there is no water standing there anymore. It seems like the rain caused some kind of seepage to get in. I am wondering if it is hydraulic pressure from the heavy rain that caused water to seep up in that spot? I am not sure. Just wanted to hear your thoughts. We were going to put a different flooring in ( tile or maybe Marmoelum click tiles), but now need to figure this out first. What could be possibly be causing this, and who would I contact to figure this out? I live in Chicago IL.





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  1. 乔恩·R||#1

    有一个很好的机会,你只需要遵循除湿器的建议,并保持室内湿度<= 55%。试一试。

    1. Jen74||#2

      Jon R,是的,但是我想知道水是从哪里来的,这样我就可以在它引起更大的问题之前纠正这种情况。下大雨的时候水涌了进来。我得先解决这个问题,然后才能放下架子。

      1. 乔恩·R||#3


  2. Colin63||#4

    去家得宝(home Depot),抓住一个湿度计相对便宜20美元将有不同的设置一个是混凝土、记事本和铅笔和做一个电子表格,注意不同区域和读数之前和之后的很长一段雨甚至可能需要几天渗透通过。如果空间不打算长期使用,你可以继续从冬季到夏季的电子表格,看看你的读数是否改变,地毯从来都不是一个好主意,即使是完全防水的地下室。也做一个单独的列读数没有除湿机运行,一个应该给你一个很好的想法,水是从哪里来的和为什么




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