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I’m converting a barn to a residence

Dean McCracken|发布了能源效率和耐用性

The slab is not insulated, and there are no below-grade details beyond the posts that support the structure. My architect is resistant to insulating on top of the slab. He worries that if I don’t leech heat into the soil…

板坯为64'x 46',4“厚。中央部分朝向中心排水管逐渐变细,因此我们有一些划分。我们在5区,我相信,最近掉到-18F的温度下降,但这是异常的冷。我的担忧是舒适,避免可能降低地板覆盖物并鼓励模具生长的冷凝。

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    There is no risk to insulating on top of the slab, especially in a building that is now being heated.

    The slab is at greatest risk of frost-heaving when the barn was not heated, and the direction of heat loss is from the ground upward, rather than from the building downward. Frost heaves propogate in the direction of heat loss. With a heated building above it, even that modest heat loss is going to

    A: keep the soil directly under the slab above freezing, and

    B: the direction of the heat loss is from the slab downward rather than conversely.

    The story with foundation walls is similar.

    You absolutely DO want to install insulation under your leveling over-slab, along with a ground vapor retarder. Without it the slab can run cooler than the outdoor dew point in summer, increasing the mold potential for any rugs or boxes resting on that cool slab. With insulation under it the slab tracks the temperature of the conditioned space within a few degrees.

    In a zone 5 location R5 would be sufficient from just a mold-hazard point of view, but ~R8 would still be financially rational using modest assumptions about the cost of money and future energy costs. With 2" of Type-II EPS (R8.4) that would run you about 75-80 cents per square foot, which isn't much different in cost from a mere R5 using 1" XPS. (And over the next 50 years that R5 XPS performance will fall to about R4.2, whereas the long term performance of EPS is pretty stable.)

  2. GBA Editor




    3.您应该在板坯的周边安装垂直绝缘。这将有助于将土壤保持比以往任何时候都更温暖。如果需要,您还可以将水平的“翼绝缘”作为围绕您的建筑物周边的围裙安装 - 或许6英寸或12英寸以下,从大楼延伸4英尺。


  3. Dean McCracken||#3


    Martin, I cannot in good faith say that the slab has not cracked. The center "aisle" of the barn has several significant cracks, though I can't say I think any of them show signs of heaving... more like settling due to insufficient substrate support. The remainder of the building is carpeted at this point so I'm not able to comment on how the perimeter of the slab has fared. This building went frrom horse barn, to devided residence and business offices (what barn has 24 T1 data lines coming into it!?) I think we are in a good position to say the various sections have been both heated and cold.

    Dana, you used the term "leveling over-slab" which is pretty much what I anticipated. However, only the center third (longitudinally) of the building requires leveling. Is there a viable alternative to a full depth slab-over? Perhaps level the center section then put a layer of insulation throughout, then sub-floor? I estimate a full over-slab would run me about $4000, which I'd gladly use elsewhere! I based my estimate on a 4" depth.

  4. Dean McCracken||#4


    “鉴于我们所发现的一切,我建议一个可能的解决方案:1)将我提到的混凝土封口剂喷涂; 2)摇篮平面处理的2x4毛刺条@ 16”或24“OC与当前中心走廊中的雪松垫片建立它水平的区域; 3)在毛刺条之间加入1 1/2“XPS泡沫(约R7.5);4)安装5/8“或3/4”胶合板地板护套(约R0.77);5)安装你想要的楼层的底层。“

  5. GBA Editor

    1. Your concrete sealer may work; I haven't used such a sealer. But, sealer or no, you still need to install a layer of 6-mil polyethylene above your slab before insulating.


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