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Indoor Swimming Pool Wall Detail

艾伦·洛雷(Allen Loree)|发布计划审查

The renovated room and pool will be heated with a Geo thermal system designed for the room and the humidity. The room is attached to the existing home. 2 inches of spray foam have been applied to all adjoining walls, all doors to the room are exterior insulated doors. The windows and doors are all new and double payne insulated. The GEO system will blow on all doors and windows in addition to the room in general and will included an exhaust only fan to promote negative pressure in the building.
目前,墙壁为2×6 @ 16 oc,没有连续的胶合板外部床单,typar雨屏和乙烯基壁板。


Dense pack the stud bays with cellulose
Cover with 2 inches of foam panels sealed at all joints and at all fasteners.
High quality paint sealer
把天花板墙壁辊筒一样y thicker
Spray the walls adjoining the house to full 5.5 inch depth.


If this is not the best wall please recommend a better approach.
What other details should I consider.

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    I'm a little confused. You wrote that "Currently the walls are 2x6 @ 16 oc, uninsulated," and also that "2 inches of spray foam have been applied to all adjoining walls."

    So, how many of the walls are insulated?

    I certainly wouldn't insulate a swimming pool room with cellulose. If I had to choose an insulation to install between the studs, I would stick with closed-cell spray polyurethane foam.

    游泳池室的最佳绝缘材料是PERSIST insulation-- with all of the insulation on the outside of the structure.

    Because the rate of wall and roof problems with swimming pool rooms is so high, I always advise builders involved with such projects to hire a consultant -- ideally, someone from the Building Science Corporation. The cost of the consulting will be much less that the cost of repairing any future moisture problem.

  2. 艾伦·洛雷(Allen Loree)||#2

    Touching the exterior is not an option I will be given. Would you add the foam board over the spray in to minimize the thermal bridging at the studs?
    I have attached a diagram of the house attachment.

  3. 艾伦·洛雷(Allen Loree)||#3


  4. Expert Member
  5. cre8tiv369||#5

    Use as much glass as possible, there is zero possibility of having too much glass for an indoor pool. Anywhere you can't use glass, hermetically seal with closed cell polly foam (has to be closed cell, open cell will fail). Stucco and tile over the foam and add an air exchanger (one that transfers warm or cool from outgoing to incoming... You have to vent the chlorine gas from the pool). Consider epoxy grout for your finish coat (non epoxy regular stucco will still work, but is more porous and that may come back to bite you and has potential to rust your stucco lathe). Stucco is cement, so cement and closed cell foam should handle any amount of water or humidity with ease (and is farm less labor than trying to do tile, if you do use tile for accents, etc, be sure to use an epoxy grout).

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