Inside basement perimeter drains

woodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy| Posted inGeneral Questionson
This subject is worse than who makes the best cars. Iam installing inside perimeter drains and my question is whether to use fabric around the pipes and stones. Some say yes and others say the fabric will get clogged by the soil.
I want to do this ONE TIME ONLY. I need help……..Thanks
If you don’t have the fabric, the pipe gets clogged. If you use clean stone around the pipe you should be ok. You can get corrugated drain pipe with the sock already installed.
Woody, every situation is different, but in most cases I spec a sleeved drain tile on the exterior, unsleeved on the interior. If there are a lot of fine soil particles and water movement, fabric can get clogged, but those conditions are more common on the exterior. If you want a more resilient approach than sleeves, you can use a separate layer of fabric several inches away from the drain tile, with clean crushed stone around the drain.