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Insulating (and ventilating?) dropped ceilings

菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)|发布绿色建筑技术

Looking for advice on how to insulate (and if to ventilate) sections of house under what is nominally an unvented cathedral ceiling, but has a section of flat lid. Details attached.

第一部分位于客厅的新增加部分上方,屋顶有2×6的框架,在屋顶下方没有通风(Delta Trella底层为站立的接缝金属屋顶提供了一些通风)。这里的屋顶甲板顶部没有绝缘材料,因此我计划从甲板下方的2英寸闭孔喷雾泡沫开始。有了平坦的板岩盖(由2×6跨度的天花板支撑),有一个三角形,我不确定该怎么做(在横截面上以蓝色突出显示)。我正在考虑将2×6的毛茸茸乘4英寸,并增加7.5英寸的摇滚棒。但是,在屋顶龙头的地方,这将很困难。我可以在这个空间中使用爆炸的纤维素或玻璃纤维,也许在安装Sheetrock之前将其固定在适当的位置?如果我在甲板下方和the绕尾巴上喷洒泡沫,我可以没有通风而将其闭合吗?

The second section in question is on second floor above the master bedroom. Roof here has 3″ polyiso above the deck, and still no venting. In the rest of the upstairs, the ceiling is vaulted, furred down by 2″, and 7.5 Rockwool batts. In this room, there is a dropped ceiling with 2×6 spanning the room at 8′ height. There will be closed cell spray foam in the rafter blocking areas. The area in question is highlighted in blue again (lower image in detail). Do I need to ventilate this space? How can I insulate it? How can I soundproof it from the loft? Could I use blown-in fiberglass/celulose over the flat ceiling, then something in the batts between studs on small vertical wall between blue area and loft?

2400 sq ft 2 story house in CZ03 coastal, zip 95060. HRV ventilation. Mini (multi) split for heat/cool (18,000 Btu/h each upstairs & downstairs).
Thanks everyone!

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  1. Brian Pontolilo||#1



    As far as sound proofing, I know that lots of people use insulation as sound proofing, and it works, to some degree, depending on the type and density of the insulation, but there are better methods, including gaskets and channels that are part of the drywall assembly that help stop sound transmission, that you can use, depending on how it is for the space to be really quiet.



    1. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#3



  2. Expert Member

    I have a similar space above my kitchen. I have 5.5” or closed cell SPF on the underside of the sheathing, and nothing above. I left the space empty and it basically behaves as a soffit. I’ve had no problems.



    Insulating for sound is different than insulating for heat. If you can let us know what you’re trying to achieve with the sound insulation you may get more detailed ideas.


    1. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#4

      Thanks Bill for those great details. As noted in my response to Brian, for sound, it’s mostly between ithe loft (part of the hallway) and the bedroom, so between two spaces. I can try one of those approaches you noted.

      1. Expert Member

        1- use 5/8” drywall on the walls you want to insulate for sound
        2- fill the wall cavities with the mineral wool insulation made for soundproofing
        3- hang the drywall using resilient channel


        确保使用腻子纸密封所需隔音的墙壁上的所有电箱。隔音墙需要像空气隔间一样详细地详细说明 - 任何缝隙都会“泄漏”声音。


  3. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#6

    I'm hoping to revisit this thread. The key question for me: on the detail attached to the first post in this thread, if the blue shaded spaces are insulated (enough to prevent condensation), can they be closed up for good? Or do I need to either feed them with an HRV supply/exhaust, or add vents to make them part of the living space? I'd rather not do either of these, unless it will cause a mold or other problem down the line.

    Note that my whole-house air seal is outboard of wall and roof sheathing. If these spaces need to be air sealed as well, I could do that. I guess if they aren't air sealed to the living space, then technically they are part of the living space...?

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