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吉姆·汉森|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我们有一个项目包括一个250年的老房子uilt on the side of hill that, 17000 CFM @50 pascals. The customer does not have a lot of money, so we are trying to figure out the best way to air seal/insulate the crawlspace. When running the blower door, there is noticeable air leakage through the floor boards and along all interior wall bottom plates. The oil furnace is in the crawlspace and although I would like to figure out a way to condition it all, the crawlspace is uneven and broken up by rock walls as part of the foundation, storage areas, and 5 foot high dirt piles. Our second and cheaper option was to remove the existing R-13 craft face batts in between the log floor joists and spray foam 2″ of cc to the joist bays, the homeowner cannot afford the 2″, so we are down to 1″. However, since we are not doing 2″ and eliminating the batts, I am wondering if we should flash the floor at 1/2″ cc, reinstall or use new batts. My question is twofold, first, are there any other suggestions, and second, if we went with the 1/2″, we would need to re-install the batts to increase R-value, however, I am worried about using the craft facing will somehow create a moisture problem between the foam and the batt. If I take the craft facing off, I will have nothing to staple to the existing log joists. The crawlspace has no moisture issues.


There is also a pantry that has no insulation underneath the floors with frozen peaches on the shelf as proof. The house is in Maryland. Thanks in advance for any advice.

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  1. Aaron Vander Meulen||#1


  2. TJ Elder||#2


  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Trying to help out a client with a low budget by proposing a halfway measure is always a mistake. Do it right or don't do it.


    It makes no sense to insulate between the floor joists.

  4. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#4


    Welcome to 2012 and the hugely polarized modern Twitter, blog, Facebook, texting, smartphone world, me included!

  5. 丹尼·凯利||#5

    Jim - if your customer is on a tight budget, some low cost strategic air sealing can do wonders.

    您似乎专注于爬行空间,因为这是您注意到鼓风机门中最多的空气泄漏的地方。鼓风机是一个很好的工具,但有时可能会产生误导。仅仅因为您的地板上有一个“孔”,并不一定意味着空气会渗入该洞。请记住,建筑科学基础知识 - 堆栈效应/热量上升,一个= 1英寸。如果您的结构顶部没有任何孔以使空气脱落,则不会在您的地板上渗入任何空气。

    用空气密封在房屋顶部用空气来花钱。这将减少房屋底部的空气泄漏,即使不密封底部的孔。预算计算时,每一点都很重要。如果您密封了50%的孔,您将消除50%的漏气 - 这不必100%完美才能工作。



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