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Is pour foam a practical solution for this issue?

Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

There is a niche above my covered entry way. I guess you could think of it as a small flat roof or a cold floor (with drywall on the conditioned slide and sheathing on the exterior) . Because of a miscommunication, the insulation contractor did not foam this area while treating other areas of the house.

My energy rater suggests drilling a series of 2 inch holes in the drywall and using a kit to spray foam the entry way from above. I am fine with this idea but am wondering if pourable foam would do a better job of filling the void. (Someone on GBA asks a similar question but received no comments.) Online sources offer a variety of open and close cell formulations. I image you have to be careful about mixing the two parts correctly and completing your pour before the reaction gets too far along.

Is this a bad idea? Should I stick a more traditional solutions such as a Touch and Seal kit?

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    Foam pours are a bit risky- once installed can't be changed or fixed without major demolition. (It glues everything together.) You have a little bit more control if using a spray kit, but that's a bit hard to get right without pulling down the gypsum.

    I don't have a clear mental picture of the assembly that is being insulated.

  2. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#2

    Hi Dana,

    After more reading, I was having the same concerns about trying to manage a pour so there were no void or blowouts. Here is a photo that might help you visualize the entry way.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    So it's fully conditioned space on the top side of the assembly, and an outdoor ceiling on the bottom side.

    只需在气候中泵送充满玻璃体或玻璃纤维,就没有风险。它基本上与码头基础或爬行空间的绝缘层相同。IRC Code Min将是第3A区的R19,但更高的是很好的。DIY纤维素具有租赁鼓风机将非常简单而有效。即使你不能达到3磅密度,它仍然非常空气。希望灯具是垫圈的气密和额定保温接触的额定值?

  4. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#4

    Thanks, Dana.

    That would be simpler. I will check out the fixture to see if it can handle the insulation.

    1. Expert Member
      Dana Dorsett||#5

      If the fixture needs to be replaced, a surface mount LED downlight in a standard electrical box would allow for thicker insulation and would be easy to air-seal.

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