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约翰·贝尔|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

From all the reading I have done, am I correct that I don’t want to use closed-cell and need to use open-cell spray foam in the band areas of floor joists of the basement to 1st and 1st to 2nd floor areas when I have used polyiso sheathing on the outside of the walls?

I believe that is correct because of the perm is so low for the polyiso and you don’t want to use another very low-perm product like closed-cell spray foam sandwiching the Zip wall sheathing. I’m just confirming if I read everything correctly.

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


  2. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#2

    It also depends on how MUCH closed cell foam. Up to about 2"/R12 it's vapor permeable enough for seasonal drying. For thicker closed cell apps Icynene has a water-blown 2lb foam product that's still about 1-perm @ 5"/R25, but SFAIK it's the only non-HFC 2lb foam available in the US (and you have to seek it out and be specific- Icynene also sells an HFC-blown closed cell product that's much lower-perm and somewhat higher-R.) At 1 perm you would still have PLENTY of drying capacity for the wood.


    If going open-cell you still have to pay attention to the dew-point factors & exterior/interior R-ratios relevant to your climate.

  3. 安东尼·休斯||#3


  4. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#4

    At 1-2" closed cell foam would not be a problem.

    In zip 47460 you could just do 4-6" of open cell foam, but a flash-inch of closed cell + R15-R25 (or more) of dense fiber such as damp sprayed cellulose or rock wool batts would would be more protective of the rim joists due to the ~1 perm vapor retardency of the closed cell foam.

  5. 安东尼·休斯||#5


  6. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#6


    虽然Polyiso的箔脸是TRU蒸汽屏障,但大多数2LB聚氨酯喷雾都在约0.8-1.5[email protected]1“。在2”仍然不比在瓦特上的牛皮脸更紧。

    The foil facers on polyiso run about 0.05 perms (or less), that's a full order of magnitude tighter than 2" of 2lb spray polyurethane. So while 1- 2" of closed cell foam is tight enough to protect the band joist from wintertime moisture loading, it's sufficiently permeable for the band joist to dry toward the interior the other 8-9 months out of the year.

    很封闭的泡沫细胞的共同使用1 - 2”on band joists with unfaced batts to fatten out the R on the interior.

  7. 安东尼·休斯||#7

    So the 2" closed cell route is better than the thicker open cell route

  8. 安东尼·休斯||#8

    I was wondering if the fiberglass faced polyiso has different characteristics than the foil faced for PERM levels?

  9. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#9


    答:是的。面箔的聚异氰尿素是真正的蒸气屏障。正如达纳(Dana)所指出的那样,铝箔层的渗透率为0.05 pers或更少。玻璃纤维面的多丽丝将比箔面对的多丽丝更明显更可渗透。如果您想要有关任何特定产品的渗透率评级的更多信息,请与Polyiso制造商联系。

  10. 安东尼·休斯||#10

    So, since there is such a higher vapor permeance with the fiberglass facing I should be fine with the 2" closed cell against the band board because I have a better capability of drying in either direction? Now I understand why Dana said that.

  11. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#11

    Unfaced polyiso runs anywhere from 1.5-3 perms @ 1", depending on density & manufacturer. Facers of lower permeance are usually added to lower the total vapor permeance, and limit the moisture uptake of the foam itself. (Polyiso is hygroscopic- it will take on moisture and drop in performance if chronically wetted by bulk moisture such as roof leaks.) Most fiberglass faced goods are less then 1 perm, but more than 0.5 perms typically characterized in the specifications as "less than 1 perm". Some manufacturers of "breathable" polyiso specify that the permeance will be greater than 1 perm, independent of thickness, but that would limit the thickness to 2-3", due to the inherent vapor retardency of the polyiso itself.

    But even 0.5 perm fiber-faced polyiso offers 10x the drying rate of a single foil facer, and something like 20x the drying rate of 2 foil facers. With a half-perm or more of drying capacity to the exterior and (with 2" of ccSPF) half perm of drying capacity toward the interior moisture won't be permanently trapped in the band joist, and it will dry at a rate fast enough to avoid rot issues (even if it got rained on prior to insulating.)

  12. 安东尼·休斯||#12

    My house got rained on quite a bit before the siding was installed but it dried out nicely before we put the siding on, I don't expect I have any issues with the foam being saturated, I hope it didn't soak up to much from the rain it endured when it was exposed, i assume this happens quite often on homes with polysio on the exterior

  13. 安东尼·休斯||#13


  14. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#14

    There is far less danger to the band joist (with either method) due to the fact that the polyiso is likely to be at least an order of magnitude higher permeance than foil faced goods.

    47460年邮政编码为1.5”,0.5 - 1烫polyisoon the exterior you'll be fine using 5-6" of open cell foam on the interior side, but it's worth spraying the interior surface of the open cell foam with "vapor barrier latex". That will reduce the vapor permeance of the foam layer to about 5 perms (instead of 10+), making it comparable to a standard latex paint on gypsum. (Vapor barrier latex on paper-faced gypsum runs about 0.5 perms, but is far more permeable when applied to open cell foam.)

    An open cell solution would be preferable to 2-3" of closed cell foam for a couple of reasons. The deeper foam depth means the thermal bridging of the I-joists is cut by half or more, the drying capacity for the band joist is higher, and the substantial environmental damage from the HFC blowing agents used for close cell foam is avoided completely.

  15. 安东尼·休斯||#15

    Outstanding! Open cell it is. Thanks a ton.



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