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polyiso / Spray泡沫 /绝缘 /油漆?

Anthony Hughes|发布能源效率和耐用性

I hate to continue asking what seems to be a different wording of the same question but bare with me. My house is 2×6 exterior walls, 1.5 inch of polyiso rigid fiberglass faced foam outside the sheathing and Tyvek. We are in the 47460 zip.

I would like to know the best way to achieve the tightest wall possible but still allow my sheathing to dry accordingly. 1-2 inches of closed cell in the stud void is something Dana said would be OK, so I am leaning towards that but want to be 100% sure it’s OK.

Second question is….have I severely limited my options for types of paint on the drywall since I used the polyiso outside the house? I am wondering what type of interior paint is safe to allow my walls to dry correctly.

So re-cap…..can I flash the sheathing in the stud voids with 2 inches of closed cell foam for a complete air seal….OR am I better off with just doing the wet sprayed cellulose and hoping that the taped seams of the polyiso have done a good air-sealing job?


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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    您计划安装在护套的外侧的刚性泡沫绝缘层的连续层是一个好主意。确保您遵守本文的建议:Calculating the Minimum Thickness of Rigid Foam Sheathing.

    You can use any kind of paint you want on the interior of your house. However, you should stay away from vinyl wallpaper.

    Installing spray foam between your studs isn't the best use of your money, because the thermal bridging through your studs largely negates any benefit from the foam. I would use dense-packed cellulose in the stud bays if I were you.

  2. Anthony Hughes||#2

    Thanks Martin. The house is already built and we are about to begin insulating this week. I can save quite a bit of money by not using the spray foam in the stud cavities. I have 1.5 inches of thew poly iso which is well within the minimum R value for my climate zone.

  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    There are lots of ways to create an air barrier. You can tape the polyiso; you can tape the plywood or OSB sheathing; you can use lots of caulk and canned spray foam; or you can follow the Airtight Drywall Approach.

    Regardless of which way you go, it's useful to conduct at least one blower-door test to verify your air sealing efforts.

    许多建筑商正在使用胶带护套方法 - 使用拉链或普通的胶合板或OSB。有关更多信息,请参阅气密墙和屋顶护套.

  4. AJ建造者,纽约州北部6a||#4

    Foam foam foam foam... some foam good so add lots of foam.... nope. not so good,

    One air barrier good... ten air barriers... not good.

    建筑科学has many example walls explained.

  5. Anthony Hughes||#5


    16英寸O.C. 2x6墙壁,1/2英寸用Tyvek覆盖,1.5“ Polyiso刚性泡沫胶带接缝

  6. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#6

    The thermal bridging is not much affected by what you put between the studs as long as whatever it is has has a higher R-value than wood.

    Leaving an partially filled cavity increases the thermal bridging due to the shorter path through the wood. Filling up that last bit with bubble gum or cat hair is about as good as filling it with cellulose or 2lb foam from a thermal bridging point of view, since bubble gum & cat hair still have R values equal to or higher than the thermally bridging wood. Filling up that last inch of cavity increases the conduction path through the wood, which adds about R1-R1.2 to the framing fraction, which is typically 25% of the total wall area. Since the wood is the most conductive path, anything you can do to maximize that path length reduces the rate of heat moving through the thermal bridge, but once you're at full stud depth you're as good as it's going to get. Increasing the R-value of the cavity fill that covers 75% of the wall area helps the total heat loss numbers, but doesn't affect the amount of heat moving through the framing.


    这就是为什么您会更好地将泡沫预算应用于外观上的隔热材料,因为它在那里增加了框架的值,这是框架分数以及腔体填充分数的r值。与其在框架分数上只有〜r6,不如在框架分数上有R6 + RFOAM。即使1.5英寸的外部EPS也将2x6墙的热桥损耗切成两半,同时填充中心腔r的r稍微折磨。在墙壁性能中。

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