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我们的屋顶已经无法修复,我的丈夫也无法修复,他曾在军队服役,在北卡罗来纳州勒琼营(Camp Lejeune NC)因饮用受污染的饮用水而被诊断出患有白血病。这让我们陷入了困境,我们现在需要一个新屋顶。这个家本应该是我们建造新家时的临时避难所。生活中有时事情不会像计划的那样发展。最初的屋顶是柔韧的金属,经过多年的密封和反射产品涂层。我们处在微气候区,风速为每小时565英里,平线风,海拔约2800英尺的白云岩山谷/mtns。在大风的伴随下,气温经常下降至零下20度,持续时间可延长至4月。这里的每个人都想安装金属。但是在锡下面放什么才能停止传热并增加R值呢?在线产品绝缘4Less声称他们的Prodex Total 10M Plus R22将提供。 I read an old post 2014 on your site about the single and dbl bubble claims. Insulation 4Less also claims their Prodex 10: stops condensation and mold so could/should be used in walls etc. Can anyone guide us, we are exhausted, short on time (lit) and trying to make this place as comfortable and LOL energy efficient as possible, we have one room stripped of insulation, and the plan is to donate this as living quarters to someone if possible that needs a home in the future, so we want to do it right. The same question for under engineered wood flooring and tile to go down. I found @ $250 per roll 1,00 sq. at the metal place a reflective sheet. So cost between the two is comparable. For now we are stuck, but the beautiful long range mtn. and pastoral views take our mind off the rest : – )!Prodex Total 10M Insulation (



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