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nina在cny|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson


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  1. 迪克罗素||#1


  2. 专家成员


  3. nina在cny||#3


    Thank you for your insight. I'm in zone 5, and this is exactly what I am struggling with now. I know in the future we will finish the basement, which will require us to potentially insulate on the inside based on if/or how we insulate on the exterior. I fear damage to the exterior foam, or my husband getting frustrated with it and just cutting it to grade and flashing it, which which will impact interior insulation requirements.


    马尔科姆,我勒arning that there are 'dimple' membranes and 'dimpled' membranes. Based on the type used, does the foam go to the interior or exterior of the membrane?

  4. 专家成员

    尼娜,the issues stated above are exactly why I prefer, when possible, to insulate foundations on the interior. An elastomeric waterproofing compound on the exterior is important if you want a dry basement, and a dimple mat is good insurance. Thermax-brand foam insulation is usually allowed to remain exposed on the interior, but it's not inexpensive and can't be used to cover another, cheaper insulation. Another option is to spray foam the interior of the foundation, preferably with a product that has low global warming potenial, such as Lapolla's Foam Lok 2000 4G or Demillac's Heatlok XT HFO.

  5. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#5

    Some installers sandwich the dimple mat between the concrete wall and the rigid foam. Other installers put the dimple mat on the exterior side of the rigid foam (between the rigid foam and the backfill).

    The detail below shows the latter approach. It comes from the Building America Solution Center.

  6. nina在cny||#6


    Martin, Thank you for the diagram, I have been looking for one all weekend. Do you think the decision to put the membrane on the inside or outside typically depends on the the type of membrane used (rigid/exterior to foam or the peel -n- stick/interior to foam)?

  7. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#7

    Peel-and-stick is not a dimple mat. If you are using a peel-and-stick product, it goes on the concrete.


  8. Jonathan Lawrence CZ 4A新泽西州||#8


    My vote is to insulate from the inside too. I just went through a foundation pour a few months ago and I avoided a whole bunch of issues by choosing to insulate from the inside. I plan on placing 4" of EPS sub slab and 2 1/2" on the walls. I have been eyeing a product by Insofast and while I see them at all the trade shows, I finally decided to buy some to test it out - see pics. What I like about this product is that it is easy to install, it has electrical raceways built in, and it has plastic studs every 16" OC that you can screw the gypsum directly to so no need to create an interior wall for the gypsum. It is not cheap (pricing is on their website), but it is a DIY friendly product.

  9. nina在cny||#9



  10. Bryanw511||#10





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