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屋顶通风doesn’t decrease AC load



Which leads me to ask what roof venting IS good for. Humidity control? Presumably, venting doesn’t increase heating load in the winter.

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  1. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1


  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    您应该阅读GBA文章标题为All About Attic Venting.

    In that article, I wrote:


    • To make roofing shingles last longer.
    • To lower cooling bills during the summer.
    • To reduce the chance of ice dams.

    Although attic ventilation is sometimes able to contribute in a very small way to addressing the problems on this list, there are much better solutions to all four problems than ventilation."


  3. Anon3||#3

    屋顶通风does decrease AC load, in some houses by a lot actually. Those solar attic fans are amazing.

    Have you ever been to a room that is closed off for ages? Your attic/house will smell and feel like that if it's not vented.

  4. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    Anon3:: Really? Show me the data!

    A review the published literature of actual measurements shows attic venting in hot climates usually increases cooling energy use (with but a few exceptional cases to prove the rule.):

    Best case with one of those "amazing" solar fans is yields only a low single digit percentage in energy savings:

  5. Anon3||#5

    Show the data? I installed one recently, the difference it made was huge. I should have gotten the bigger version in hindsight. Oh well, on my next house I'll get the bigger version.

  6. 用户2890856||#6


  7. Anon3||#7

    The AC would struggle when it's 90f outside. With the solar fan, it's now fine into 100f. I was getting massive radiant heat before, now it's mostly gone.


  8. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#8

    I've asked you before: Can you tell us your name? And perhaps you can tell us whether you work for a product distributor? Many of your posts seem to promote one or two products.

    The精美的房屋建筑罗伯特·范卡瑟(Robert Fankhauser)在他最初的问题中提到的专栏涉及大教堂的天花板。任何试图在大教堂天花板的通风通道中安装太阳能阁楼风扇的人都是坚果。这样的风扇无疑会通过天花板裂缝将室内空气吸入通风通道,从而提高房屋的能源费用。


    Suffice it to say that solar-powered attic fans have the potential to cause more problems than they solve. They can occasionally be useful, but only in attics that (a) have insufficient insulation, (b) have ductwork located in the attic, and (c) have a very, very airtight ceiling. Such homes are rare.

    If you have an older home with insufficient insulation and ductwork in the attic, the solution to your problem is (a) perform air sealing work on the attic floor; (b) seal duct seams; (c) improve duct insulation, if possible, and (d) add more R-value to the existing attic insulation.

    If you have a big bank account, an even better solution is to convert the vented unconditioned attic into an unvented conditioned attic.

    The steps I have described make much more sense than installing a powered attic ventilator.

  9. Anon3||#9

    Dude I should have installed the attic fan years ago, but thanks to forum like this I was mislead. Oh well, you learn something everyday.

    There's another benefit, the incredibly nasty attic air is now almost fresh smelling!

  10. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#10


    I wish you would engage in some discussion of the advice you suggest, rather than moving on to a different discussion and just repeating. If you are right, that's how you could convince us. Just making an assertion and leaving it hanging doesn't do that.

  11. Ericpadgett||#11


  12. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#12


  13. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#13



  14. Jon_r||#14

    我希望无需纠正压力差的空气密封(通常在夏季阁楼 - >内部)会减少但不会停止气味的运动。

  15. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#15


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