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Roxul Comfortboard to create cathedral ceiling baffle?

Blake Cote| Posted in绿色建筑技术

大家好 - 感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读本文。

我将在今年春天在6区(北佛蒙特州)建造一个新房屋,该房屋将有大教堂的天花板。I’ve read a lot about the best way to do this in my climate (thanks for all the info on this site, Martin) and I’ve settled on what seems like a safe bet: taped drywall and vapor retarder paint, dense pack cellulose (16″ or so), homemade baffle, 2″ airspace, plywood sheathing, underlayment, metal screw down roof.

据我所知,这是非常重要的材料that is between the cellulose and airspace to be somewhat permeable so any moist interior air that does get through the drywall can escape to the ventilation channel. My question: in there any reason not to use rigid mineral wool (roxul comfortboard) as the baffle (instead of foam board) since it is REALLY permeable? It’s more expensive than foam, but I’m thinking it could give more peace of mind since it’s so permeable. Anyone out there tried this or can you think of any reason it wouldn’t work?


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  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1




    So I would tend to opt for something more rigid and cheaper. Plywood or fiberboard are cheaper and still quite permeable.

  2. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#2

    Charlie nailed the answer with his list of three potential problems. I don't think that mineral wool panels make sense for ventilation baffles.

    正如我在有关该主题的文章中所写的那样,Site-Built Ventilation Baffles for Roofs,我认为您不需要担心选择作为通风挡板的材料的蒸气渗透。由于我的文章中解释的原因,我们没有收到任何因使用蒸气障碍而导致的故障报告:

    "What if interior moisture is able to reach the underside of a ventilation baffle — isn’t it possible that the moisture might condense against the baffle (especially if the baffle is cold)? If so, isn’t this a good argument in favor of using vapor-permeable materials (for example, fiberboard, cardboard, or thin EPS) for ventilation baffles?

    "The answers to both questions is a qualified yes. Anyone worried about this possibility should probably make their ventilation baffles out of a vapor-permeable material. That said, there really aren’t any reports of failures or problems resulting from the use of vapor-impermeable materials — for example, polypropylene, vinyl, or foil-faced polyiso — to make ventilation baffles. The main reasons:
    • Not much moisture manages to make its way to the ventilation baffles (especially in homes that pay attention to airtightness);

    -- Martin Holladay

  3. 斯蒂芬·希希(Stephen Sheehy)||#3

    Blake- since you are still in the design stage, let me suggest another alternative, that we used for our pretty good house.
    air barrier- we used Siga majpell, but there are lots of alternatives.
    flash coat of closed cell foam at the eaves (doing it again, we'd use deeper heels and skip the foam)
    insulation baffles running 4' up from the eaves
    underlayment (Titanium)
    standing seal metal roof

    The cellulose was blown in through an access port in the gable end. It was a simple roof, about R 70 or so.

  4. Aaron Beckworth||#4


  5. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#5

    Check your local codes. Most building codes require soffit vents. Here's the relevant section in the 2009 IRC:

    Section R806.2 Minimum area
    The total net free ventilating area shall not be less than 1⁄150 of the area of the space ventilated except that reduction of the total area to 1⁄300 is permitted provided that at least 50 percent and not more than 80 percent of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the space to be ventilated at least 3 feet (914 mm) above the eave or cornice vents with the balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or cornice vents. As an alternative, the net free cross-ventilation area may be reduced to 1⁄300 when a Class I or II vapor retarder is installed on the warm-in-winter side of the ceiling.

    -- Martin Holladay

  6. Aaron Beckworth||#6


    If not for the code requirement, wouldn't eliminating the soffit vents and ventilation baffles greatly simplify the roof design and construction?

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7

    Q. "If not for the code requirement, wouldn't eliminating the soffit vents and ventilation baffles greatly simplify the roof design and construction?"

    A. Yes, they would. But you don't want to simplify things to the point that the roof assembly is at risk of moisture accumulation or rot.


    1. Well ventilated roof assemblies are less risky than unvented assemblies.

    2. You really don't want any cellulose touching your roof sheathing -- you want an air gap between the top of the cellulose and the roof sheathing.


    -- Martin Holladay

  8. Blake Cote||#8


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