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约书亚劳埃德|Posted in一般的问题on

We recently finished our walk out basement. In the process of finishing the basement we added a new bathroom and laundry. So the plumbing contractor installed new drain lines and repaired a collapsed floor drain. Air admittance valves were installed.


Any thoughts on why this is happening would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. Christopher Briley||#1



  2. Garth Sproule||#2


  3. Bill Friend CHI, CMI||#3

    什么类型的A / C系统以及凝结物排水线的运行方式如何?是的,岛上的通风口(我们在这里称之为)可能会失败。开放的陷阱,碎或破裂的废物管线,缺少清理盖,是我首先检查的区域。我在过去21年中检查的一些房屋已经将冷凝水排放直接进入下水道排水管。其中一些是以这样的方式安装的,以便让下水道气体返回到空气处理器中。很难猜测,而不看到地下室和管道。可以是上面提到的任何物品或几个组合。祝你好运。让我们知道什么时候找到它。

  4. Edward D. Nikles CGP CAPS GMB CAASH CGB CGR CR||#4

    我们遇到了相似的气味在tw的过去o other basement areas . First we have septic pump & alarm wires running in conduit from the home to septic pump tank . We have to caulk between the wires & the conduit or the sewer gas smell will back up into the basement . Second we have had smell coming out from around the laundry tub drain where the undersized plastic wasteline hose enters the PVC wasteline . We usually stuff a rag around the wasteline hose to close off the space .

  5. 猎人Dendy.||#5


  6. 乔什||#6


    As for the ducts. The entire duct system is run in the basement. I have sealed most of the ducts at this point. With the exception of the filter housing which is an open slot to slide the filter in. This opening is about 4' from the AAV in question.

    Next time I notice the smell I will have to test the pressure difference in the utility area. But I don't see why running the A/C would cause more of a depressurization in the area than actually running the furnace which gets all of it's combustion air from that room. And like I said, we only get the sewer smell in the summer months when running the A/C.

  7. 丹尼凯利||#7

    The hole for the filter can cause a huge negative pressure - especially being so close to the fan. They make magnetic strips that can cover this gap or simply install duct tape over top of it - will have to remove it each time you change the filter, but does not take very long. Sounds like the negative pressure is sucking the sewer gas either through a dried out trap or a connection lacking a trap. Not sure how those studor vents work - a negative pressure in the room may be able to open one up, will have to ask a plumber about that.

    As to why it would only happen during AC and not heat is a mystery to me but could be that the blower runs at a slower speed for the heat or maybe whatever the issue is needs a long cycle to build up enough pressure or something. Hard to guess without being able to see each trap and connection.
    Good Luck.

  8. John Brooks.||#8


    (This was a Major modular Home manufacturer)



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