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Sharing the radon stack

dsmcn| Posted inGBA Pro Helpon

I have a 4″ PVC stack going from below the slab and through the roof to provide passive ventilation of radon from below the slab (potential radon—not yet measured). Is there any reason I can’t tie into it with the bathroom ventilation duct? I like minimizing roof penetrations.

The duct would tie to a Y that points upward; between that, the draft created by the stack itself, and the damper on the fan, I see no risk of ozone entering the house. Any problems?


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  1. user-2310254||#1

    So what happens if you have to add a vent fan to your radon system? Then you'll be depressurizing your home 24/7.

    There are probably code issues as well.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Steve accurately identified the two relevant issues: (1) Your plan would violate plumbing codes, and (2) Your plan would make it impossible to convert your passive radon mitigation system into an active radon mitigation system.

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