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Melaniebethscott| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon



I had the architect place the windows up higher in an attempt to shade them in winter, but I’d prefer them lower if an overhang/extension will work. I’ve been trying to use some of the online overhang design tools, but again, they don’t factor in the possibility of an upward pitch.



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  1. Morganparis||#1

    The overhang on the upward sloping roof will have about zero shading effect on the loft windows. Supplementary external shading is pretty hard to incorporate in that roof format also - about the only workable option is an exterior venetian style blind. Otherwise you'll need low SHGC glazing in those windows or you'll cook.

    I'm pretty amazed that your architect couldn't advise you on this. Fundamental solar control issues have been pretty basic stuff in the curricula of most architecture schools for generations.

  2. charlie_sullivan||#2

    关于阴影的工作原理的重要性就是相对于窗口相对于窗口的边缘的位置。因此,倾斜的悬垂性可以正常工作,但是就像安装到更高的悬架一样,您需要进一步走出来。计算计算时,请使用端点的高度 - 悬垂的边缘及其水平伸展,而不是其对角线长度或窗口上方的起始高度。


  3. Melaniebethscott||#3

    At first he said we're not able to do the overhang, then when I pressed why, he mentioned that he didn't think we could get any shade from it. (so he probably knows, just trying to appease me). I was just doing my own research. This type of roof seems to be popular with solar passive design,I find it hard to believe there are no shading benefits to the upper windows.

    I'm not too worried about cooking. We spend alot of time outdoors in the summer. Its the winters that tick me off.

  4. Melaniebethscott||#4

    That looks like it'd require some pretty fancy math, Charlie. So, basically, that overhang needs to be much "longer" in order to do the shading. It'd be nice to put a south slope overhang on that roof, but I'm watching the dollars and the windows are sucking them all up.

  5. Expert Member

    Do'n forget overhangs have several functions. Keeping your walls dry is always a good idea.

  6. bunney||#6


    A wonderful source for solar calculations, including in this case roof overhangs:


    例如,作者写道“ov之一erhang on the upward sloping roof will have about zero shading effect on the loft windows" ... and that "you'll need low SHGC glazing in those windows or you'll cook."



    Only then, in my case, after about one year's study, did I know enough to at least question the builder or architect when I saw design decisions that looked off base for what we are seeking to achieve with our passive solar cabin. It still seems like an impossible task..

    I'll conclude, Melanie, by noting that the passive solar consultant that we hired for our project, which is a similar design as you have illustrated, noted that our clerestory roof overhang, based upon our site's latitude and building orientation, will provide shade during summer solstice. Moreover, we will have high SHGC in our clerestory windows, based upon the ratio of all southern windows to floor area and thermal mass for storing the sun's wonderful and free heat.

    Did we make the right decision? Time will tell.

  7. Morganparis||#7


  8. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#8

    Charlie gave the correct answer: "What matters on how the shading works is just where the edge of the overhang is relative to the window. So an overhang that slopes up can work, but just like one that is mounted higher up, you need it to go out further."

    I would also like to second Randy's suggestion to use the online tools atSustainable Design.


    South-facing glazing can lead to overheating in some seasons, and always results in heat loss at night. It's usually best to size windows according to your need for natural light and the view, not passive solar principles.

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