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Matthew Wahlrab|发布Passivhaus

I am remodeling a home outside of Seattle, WA. I plan on spray foaming the existing 2×4 exterior walls with closed cell spray foam (looking for R-24) and plan to frame out a new interior wall (probably 2×3).



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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1


    That said, there are lots of ways to build a wall. It sounds like you want to build a double-stud wall -- is that correct? Were you planning to insulate between the studs of the new 2x3 wall? Most double-stud walls are insulated with dense-packed cellulose, not spray foam. (Many green builders try to limit their use of closed-cell spray foam because most brands of closed-cell spray foam use a blowing agent with a high global warming potential.)

    For more information, seeHow to Design a Wall

  2. D Dorsett||#2

    Closed cell foam installed in 2x4 framing 16" o.c. is a waste of good foam (at a high envrionmental & financial cost), due to the thermal bridging of the 25% frmaing fraction. Even though you would have a center-cavity R north of 20, after factoring in the thermal bridging it only adds about R1 to the "whole wall-R" perforamance beyond the same wall with ~R13 half-pound density open cell foam that uses 1/4 the polymer, and water as the blowing agent instead of climate-damaging HFC245fa (with a global warming potential of about 1000x CO2).


    With 2" polyiso (all facer types) in the middle of the assembly, the exterior studs & sheathing will have to dry toward the exterior, and the interior needs to dry toward the interior. The interiror studs will not have an issue- there is PLENTY of exterior R for keeping those materials above the ~45F interior air dew point in that climate. But the siding type , roof overhangs, and flashing details will determine how dry the structural sheathing remains.


    在2010年,当它写得更好的无管热泵时,HSPF的HSPF约为10-13-13,而高输出光伏太阳能(PV)的效率约为15%,现在运行量约为20%。屋顶光伏的价格也约为2-2.5倍。2016年的价格。典型的2x4/R13墙,具有典型的壁板和室内装饰选项的全壁约为R10。即使没有内部螺柱,添加连续的R13(Polyiso的2英寸)即使在R20的北部也使其在R20中的北部。在某个时候,与安装屋顶PV(甚至在西雅图脱落的西雅图)或将钱投入其他物品(例如基础隔热等)相比,它不再具有财务意义表2.该文件的墙壁而不是越来越多的墙。在那个索赔中,我自己的倾斜度将是2x4s和2“ polyiso的开放式细胞泡沫(或3磅+密度纤维素),将石膏直接粘合并长期拧紧到Polyiso,跳过室内螺柱。

    在许多地方,有二手屋面多丽莎的供应商(通常是2磅密度,r5.5/英寸),占原始库存商品的一小部分。在我的地区,在您所在地区的2英寸厚屋顶ISO的2英寸厚屋顶ISO的回收4x8张(显然在您所在的地区也大约相同的每平方英尺): Reclaimed/reused foam (any type) is by far greener than any virgin stock, since the environmental hit has already been taken, and re-using it is just piling on to the benefit side of the cost-benefit equation.

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