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David Sillman| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Hi – I am battling serious solar heat on the west-facing wall of my FL home that is 90% windows.
Experts: what is the most efficient window technology I can get?
– Does anyone have much experience with thermochromic/electrochromic?
– How about Suspended film (SF)?
– Can you steer me to installers in the Tampa/Clearwater area?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    How old are your windows? Do you have any idea what the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of the glazing is?

    For a new house, this problem is best solved by:
    (a) If possible, shading the windows with a porch roof.
    (b) Minimizing the size of the windows.
    (c) Choosing windows with a very low SHGC.

    For more information on glazing choices and SHGC, seeAll About Glazing Options.

    If you have older windows, or windows with a high SHGC, you might consider replacing your windows with low-SHGC windows. Another option is window film; for more information on window films, seeSolar-Control Window Film.

    Low-cost solutions include the use of awnings and window shades. For more information on these options, seeWindow Shades, Blinds, and Awnings.

  2. Scorched Earth, 3B||#2

    As a non-expert, I'd like to stick up for plants:


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