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Supply ventilation – energy use impact

Reid Baldwin|Posted in机械on

I downloaded BEOpt and EnergyPlus and have been experimenting. Some of the outputs are surprising at first but make sense when I think more deeply, However, I have not been able to make sense of the results I am getting for different ventilation options. I am trying to determine if there is some physics advantage to supply ventilation or whether the results I am getting are modeling errors.

I have four cases: no ventilation, exhaust, supply, and 70% efficient HRV. The later three all use the same ventilation rate in cfm. The software reports the source energy used per year for various categories. The source energy for heating comes out:
supply: 47.79
hrv: 44.79.
The relative values make sense for none, exhaust, and hrv. But why wouldn’t supply be about the same as exhaust? In each case, you are bringing in the same quantity of unconditioned air. The fan vent energy is the same for exhaust and supply. (It goes up dramatically for HRV, making the total energy for HRV higher than for supply.) The HVAC fan energy is close, with exhaust being slightly higher than the other three. I would have expected supply to be higher in that category if the software is modeling a CFIS system.

The software automatically determined the following heating capacities:
none: 29.53
supply: 27.73

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1




  2. Reid Baldwin||#2

    BEOpt报道通风机能源、暖通空调风扇energy, and heating energy separately. If it was modeling CFIS, I would expect vent fan energy to be much lower than exhaust only, HVAC fan energy to be much higher, and heating energy to be the same. It is reporting equal vent fan energy, slightly lower HVAC fan energy, and much lower heating energy. That leads me to believe that it is modeling some other configuration of supply ventilation than CFIS. I cannot envision a configuration that would produce those results. I am inclined to attribute this to some bad data somewhere in the software. However, since the results are favorable, if there is a real system that would produce those results, I would be interested in it.

  3. Reid Baldwin||#3


  4. Reid Baldwin||#4

    经过一些更详细的分析,我能够回答自己问题的主要部分。供应通风和排气通风之间的加热能量的差异是由于与浸润速率和浴室风扇和射程引擎盖(例如浴室风扇)的相互作用。如果没有发生斑点通风,供应通气和排气通风都会增加浸润 +机械通气的数量相同(尽管小于机械通气速率)。然而,当斑点通风启动时,它进一步增加了排气类型的浸润 +机械通气,但减少了供应类型的渗透通气。该软件将斑点通风算作机械通气的一部分并报告净流。因此,当发生斑点通风时,供应通气比排气通风更有效。





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