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Titanium apatite, ozone, and split system built-in air purification

brooklynite| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I’m closing in on a split system design that includes two Daikin Quaternities and one three-zone Daikin condenser. Just about every Daikin air handler, including the ones I have in mind for my installation, includes something it calls a Titanium Apatite Photocatalytic Air Purifying Filter:

This filter combines the air-purifying filter and titanium apatite photocatalytic deodorizing filter in a single highly effective unit. The filter can last for up to three years without replacement if washed once every six months.

In addition, the Quaternity handlers have something that Daikin calls a “Flash Streamer,” which marketing materials claim “increases indoor air quality through a powerful multistage filtration system.” The titanium apatite filter is one of the stages. See page 3 here:

I did a bit of research to find out whether this was marketing bunk. I discovered it’s worse: the titanium apatite filters produce ozone. And the flash streamer also includes an ionizer, which, if I recall correctly from the days of the Sharper Image Ionic Breeze, produce ozone as well.

How concerned should I be about this? I haven’t yet found any studies showing the amount of ozone these devices create.

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  1. Expert Member

    The amount of ozone that can be produces by passive means falls into the squat category, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    High voltage ionizer is a different story, mine also comes with one but I have the option of turning it off. I can't see why that wouldn't be the option with those.

    The reason lot of these have this is indoor smoking is very relevant in Asia and ionization systems do help with the smell. There is really no point for it in a regular household.

  2. Jon R||#2

    +1 on what Akos said. It shouldn't produce any more than a common natural level of ozone.

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