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jibba1|发布General Questions

Hi all,


We live in NH. We have an office/den that was an addition built over a very shallow crawl space. Two of the walls are exterior. We ripped up the floor, joists, etc, and, in doing so, had to remove some interior tongue & groove paneling that runs horizontally about 3.5′ up from the floor. Above that, the walls are covered in drywall, which we’re leaving. We cut the existing faced fiberglass about 3′ up between the studs to get at the electrical and run new wiring, etc. We’re ready to put new insulation where we removed it and are planning to use unfaced Roxul, but my question is whether or not to put up any vapor barrier/retarder on top of the insulation along the (2) exterior walls. Our plan is to put shiplap over it. Externally, there is siding, and I can’t tell if they used a housewrap or not. There is certainly not any exterior insulation.

在冬天房间稍微加热,but not air conditioned in the summer, if that helps. Grappling with whether or not to put anything on the interior of the new insulation before we put on the shiplap.


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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    Location matters is this US climate zone 5 (southern & coastal NH) or zone 6 (most of NH)?


    如果它有胶合板或OSB护套,然后花时间在每个螺柱湾的饰边(螺柱 +顶部和底板)的交汇处,将聚氨酯填缝剂(不是便宜的东西)放在每个螺柱上的珠子,例如以及底板和地板的交点处的珠子。

  2. jibba1||#2

    达娜 - 感谢您的消息。我们位于5/6区的边界。

    The exterior has horizontal planks under the siding. We are unlikely to put gypsum under the shiplap for a variety of reasons, though we're aware that that is a recommended option.

  3. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#3

    You should take Dana's advice and install a durable air barrier between the shiplap finish boards and the studs. If you don't want to install taped drywall, at lease install Intello membrane, detailed as an air barrier.

    You'll have to be creative when it comes time to air-sealing the horizontal joint between the Intello and the drywall above. You'll probably need to install horizontal 1x3 nailers between each stud to make this horizontal seam airtight. These 1x3 nailers can be screwed to the drywall before you install the shiplap boards.

    -- Martin Holladay

  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4


    I wouldn't trust a membrane vapor retarder detailed as an air barrier be good for 5+ decades under shiplap wainscot, but taped wallboard painted with half-perm primer should. Intello is pretty tough stuff compared to 2-mil nylon (and 3x the price), but still...

  5. jibba1||#5


  6. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#6

    1/2-inch drywall is inexpensive and works just fine.

    -- Martin Holladay

  7. jibba1||#7

    最后一个问题 - 它需要被弄糊涂和胶带,还是只需录制就足够了?(这不会是外观层,因此要寻求密封目的,而不是美学。)

  8. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#8

    You can't tape drywall without some mud. You just need to apply the tape with mud as usual. You can skip the second and third coats of mud, though.

    -- Martin Holladay

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