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大卫·史密斯|发布General Questions

在我的木墙房屋中,我在卧室里取下了一个干墙天花板,该天花板受到旧漏水的屋顶的损坏,此后被替换为旧的漏水。我打算安装粉刷的T&G Pine,我的最初计划是用一卷纸空气屏幕进行操作,但是在阅读了该网站上的几篇文章之后,似乎不建议通过指甲孔穿透,并且推荐的是最建议的。空气屏障。天花板当前安装的方式是,板岩在日志墙的顶部塞满了1英寸的板,将顶部原木与after子分开。我更喜欢保持这种样式,因为它具有最干净的外观,天花板可以符合日志(而不是将天花板靠在日志侧面)。因为我只有1英寸的天花板材料空间,所以我可以使用1/4英寸的板岩以进行空中屏障,因为它将被3/4英寸T&G松树覆盖,并通过雪橇钉钉进入the the the the afters?

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#1

    戴维(David),虽然本网站的某些成员不喜欢膜作为空气控制层,但根据我的经验,凭借正确的产品选择,它们的工作正常,并且比刚性材料更容易安装。特别是我喜欢Pro Clima Intello和Siga Majrex。

    Have you ever tried to install 1/4" drywall overhead? I have not, but 1/2" is floppy enough that I think you'll find 1/4" nearly impossible to install well, and it will sag between joists making it hard to tape properly, a requirement for it to be an air control layer.

    1. 大卫·史密斯||#2

      Michael, thank you for the reply. Exactly the kind of info I was searching for. I have not tried to install 1/4” drywall; only 1/2”, but I imagine you are correct about the installation difficulty.

  2. Expert Member

    No for the 1/4 drywall. Next to impossible to hang on a ceiling, way to soft.

    Definitely one of the fancier membranes will work but you can also use standard 6mil poly. Get the widest roll you can get so there are no or only a few seams. Make sure the seams are parallel to your rafters, this makes taping the seam much easier. Caulk around the perimeter and at all seams followed up with a quality tape.

    My cottage has this for ceiling, I'm not going to say that is is passive house air tight, but definitely not drafty.

    You can also go with 5/8 T&G and 1/2" drywall/osb/rigid insulation. Rigid insulation in this case would be much easier to deal with overhead than a membrane or drywall. It would only be slightly thicker than what you propose but definitely more robust.

    1. 大卫·史密斯||#4

      Thanks, Akos. Two rooms in my house use the poly membrane with T&G and that was my first thought when I decided to do this, but I read it was a vapor barrier and that could cause condensation on the attic side. Maybe it works ok because I’m in a very dry climate, but because I have the time and will be exposing the rafters anyway, I wanted to avoid anything that might cause further issues later.

      I like the rigid insulation idea. I’m going to do some research on that as well.

      1. Expert Member

        You shouldn’t have a condensation issue with poly on the ceiling if the ceiling is the floor of a vented attic. You can have issues with condensation if the poly is on the cold side of an assembly, but usually the issue with poly is that it prevents drying and can allow moisture issues within a wall. Ceilings are different, since the attic space is generally not sealed and always allows for drying as a result.


        1. 大卫·史密斯||#6


          1. Expert Member
            Michael Maines||#7

            David, you didn't mention your climate zone but a well-ventilated attic is the one location in temperate zones where polyethylene is reasonably safe from moisture accumulation. For a bit more cost, variable permeance membranes are still safer. Whether the cost savings is worth a bit of added risk is hard to say. For me it's not worth it, but it's your house.

  3. 大卫·史密斯||#8


    I bought the T&G yesterday and will be stacking it with stickers today to acclimate. Anyone have a recommendation for how many days, or should I just get a moisture meter?

    I appreciate all of your advice.

    1. Expert Member
      Michael Maines||#10

      David, it sounds like you should be safe, then. There are various rules of thumb for acclimating but the only way to be precise is to use a moisture meter.

  4. 大卫·史密斯||#9

    Also, yes the attic is thoroughly ventilated: full length soffit vents on eave eave with baffles to keep the insulation off them and a full length ridge vent.

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