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For annoying reasons (drawings were wrong, framer didn’t catch in time), the roof on an addition we’re doing was built lower than it needed to be to line up with the soffits on the existing house. We decided the easiest solution would be to just build up a 6″ frame on top of the sheathed roofing so that the new higher roof would line up correctly. The original roof is still in place and has 6″ of open cell foam on the underside. The result is that we have a roughly 6″ dead space between the foamed, sheathed and papered original roof and the new sheathing. We’re putting a metal roof on. Question is, do we need to vent this space? I don’t believe there is an ice dam issue since the foam under the original sheathing is an air barrier, correct? Are there other issues that are requiring this area to be vented?

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1


    太糟糕了,您没有用6英寸的刚性泡沫而不是空的2x6 afters弹到屋顶。

  2. 元素构建器||#2

    In virginia- zone 4.
    The SPFA has been telling us that we only need 6" OC in this region for a while now, and the local installers agree. Code officials usually allow it without question.
    I thought about shimming it up with foam board but that was way too cost prohibitive.

  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    As far as I'm concerned, R-22 doesn't meet code. In case you want to learn more on the issue, here is a link to an article:It’s OK to Skimp On Insulation, Icynene Says.

  4. 元素构建器||#4

    Any ideas on the issue of venting?

  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#5


    If the upper roof deck isn't installed yet it's worth putting unfaced R15 "cathedral ceiling" fiberglass or rock wool batts in there, with a vented 2" air gap between the batts & deck, or laying down another 3" of open cell foam, whichever is cheaper.

    没有外部绝缘开孔R22 creates a wintertime moisture hazard for the original roof deck unless you installed an interior vapor retarder between 0.5-1 perms. If you went with interior poly it's a moisture TRAP, but if you leave it open the roof decking may develop issues over time (particularly on the north side.) See:


  6. 元素构建器||#6

    我同意文章的逻辑 - 更多更好。但是,本文并没有面对现实世界的问题 - 如果开放单元的R-22在现实世界测试下表现出令人满意的表现,那么它应该符合规定的代码。它不应仅仅因为它不符合任意R-38的数字而被视为“略读”。通过您的逻辑,如果明天将代码更改为R-60,我将仅使用R-38“脱脂”。
    I remember seeing a study a few years ago that showed a cost-benefit analysis on spray foam depths, and it explained that every extra inch past a certain point was only very slightly better on performance. Meaning, 6 inches is not twice as effective as 3 inches and 12 inches is not twice as effective as 6 inches. I can't find it right now, but if my memory serves, it showed 6 inches as having maximum cost-effectiveness.
    I think we need to get away from simplistic R-values and use what works, both for the scientist and for the consumer.

  7. 元素构建器||#7

    Dana- thank you for your insight.
    The sheathing is already on the second layer. Honestly, I'm really not concerned about the insulation depth. The article given here is again referring to the code, not the actual effectiveness. The SPFA has shown in their studies (supplied by Oak Ridge I believe) that 3.5" of most 1/2 pound oc foams will create the necessary barrier for dew point in our area. In very extreme conditions (below 10 degrees), this system may have slight moisture infiltration, but that very rarely happens in our area. I'm not super concerned about the few times it does.



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