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Water line for slab on grade

Arnold K| Posted inGeneral Questionson


The well will be drilled and the water line with electrical wire pushed through after the slab has been poured.
I presume installing it before the footings are installed would be ideal to avoid having to dig underneath the footing at a later date.
The frost line is around 4′ deep in our area so would I need to dig 4′ deep even below the footing even with a frost protection skirt?

Any suggestion or a link for a better best approach for installing a 4″ sleeve on a slab on grade would be welcomed.

Thank you,

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  1. Expert Member

    我总是设定一个短的阅读全文p PVC pipe to act as a sleeve. My preference is a piece of 4" schedule 40 PVC electrical conduit since PVC conduit has UV stabilizers in it. Run your lines through that sleeve, and fill the sleeve with canned foam when you're done. I've never had to do much besides setting the sleeve in place and pouring the slab around it. If you're concerned it might move, drice a scrap piece of rerod inside the sleeve and tie the sleeve to it. You don't really need precision here, just try to keep the sleeve positioned in such a way that whatever is running through it doesn't touch the inside walls of the sleeve. Keeping the sleeve from touching the stuff passing through it ensures that the stuff passing through isn't put under any stress.


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