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Water proof a concrete slab roof which serves as a roof-top deck

Murielle O'Hara|发布General Questions

I am looking for a solution that would add minimum thickness to the slab. The deck is surrounded by a railing which would have to be replaced to meet code if the deck surface is raised too much. Two inches would be OK. The initial thought is a membrane but I would like to have a ceramic or manufactured stone tile surface. Is there a membrane material robust enough to accept these materials applied directly on the membrane? Any suggestions for another finished surface?

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  1. Michael Chandler||#1

    我做了一些表现良好的砖屋顶。Schluter Ditra在手册中显示了它的细节,但我们使用的系统更便宜,更薄。如果您向下滚动一点,这里有一张图片 romweberresidence&t = the%20Romweber%20Residence

    用ABC供应或等于停止水分的M子Hyde EPDM覆盖屋顶,用Ameridrain凹痕塑料排水垫(在Lowes上可用)覆盖它,放在1/4英寸的Hardi Tile Backer上,然后将第二层放在上面,然后将第二层放在顶部细菌胶将两层粘合在一起。这是由重力和扶手的立柱固定在适当的位置。ThinsetTile,或将砖摊铺机固定在靠背板上。将砖的边缘与处理的木板边缘绑在屋顶的边缘上垫片允许子插入。


  2. 大卫·奎林(David Quillin)||#2

    一个建议:绿色屋顶公司American Hydrotech为水泥甲板提供了很好的防水性。它像沥青屋顶一样在热上,但实际上可以穿透混凝土并与之结合。它很好的是,它不像薄板膜那样脆弱,如果它们得到撕裂或孔,它们会失去其完整性。然后,您可以用任何类型的屋顶摊铺机或瓷砖覆盖它...

  3. Dorothy Howard||#3

    我已经在与Conditons的许多项目上使用了Crossfield产品“ DEX-O-TEX屏障”,而不是“ Dex-O-Tex A-81”卧式。A-81浮动以创建斜坡,并可以逐渐缩小到羽毛边缘。障碍物越过A-81,然后瓷砖可以直接变成障碍物。

  4. Glenn Summers||#4

    As I understand your question, waterproofing this deck in order apply thin set and tile is all you want to do?
    Waterproofing the concrete should be accomplished using a product called StableCrete. More information is available @http://www.floridabuildinggreen.orgGreen Products Page. Search by CSI Section 03-05-00 [Concrete Waterproofing Compound] or just type in StableCrete. Material is Extremely Low VOC 13g/L, topically applied to your deck surface where it penetrates into the matrix to waterproof, leaving no film to cause adhesion problems with any coating, or in your case the thin set.
    A cemetitious leveling product may be applied, if a pitch to your roof deck is necessary. StableCrete should then be applied to the final surface prior to troweling the thin set. This application will waterproof the leveled deck surface to prevent water from the thin set from migrating into the host material, thus isnsuring a superior bond of the thin set.
    After your tiles are set and grouted, apply StableCrete to the grout joints to waterproof them as well. A waterproof grout joint will not absorb contaminates and spills can be removed to keep the joints clean and looking new.
    The railing you mentioned around this deck should not be disturbed as StableCrete does not harm Glass or Metals if it comes in contact with them. This will give you a waterproof deck and protect any steel from continued exposure to moisture and contaminates.
    Hope this Helps? Glenn

  5. Jabu||#5


    Jabu 083 517 4770

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