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What are your thoughts of TXU’s iThermostat?

GBA Editor| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Does it work to save money or is it just a self service plot for a utility company to gain control over your environment?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    You can read about the program here:

    Briefly, you have to pay the utility $75 for the privilege of receiving a remote-controlled thermostat. Once the thermostat is installed, the utility will be able to shut off your air conditioner for brief periods of time on hot summer afternoons. The utility gets the benefit of "load shedding" — that is, using your remote-controlled thermostat to shut off your air conditioner when they want. You don't get any benefit. (Other utilities experimenting with similar programs usually pay the customer for the right to remotely control the customers' appliances.)

  2. Anonymous||#2

    So, unless we appeal to greed, people (at least those with the means) won't spend $75 reduce the need for additional, likely CO2-emitting, electricity generation infrastructure. I would see spending $75 as a worthy investment (or donation) to my planet.

  3. Evelyn Todd||#3

    TXU ithermostat is absolutely the worst thing I've ever had to deal with. "Technically" I understand it, but overall, I think it is just a headache. My house stays either too hot or too cold. Is there not a happy medium? That's all I ask! That....and is there no way to just turn the darn thing OFF???
    I'd like to have some nice fresh air coming in an open window at times. Maybe I'm missing something in the manuals....I could use some help here!!!

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