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What is the best housewrap and/or insulation to use with rainscreen and siding?

SDaws| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I live in a 200 year old log home that currently has wood siding that needs replaced. I am going to replace the siding with Boral Truexterior beveled lap siding which is a coal ash composite. I am also going to install Stuc-o-flex Waterway 7mm rain screen.

The house had problems venting with the current ship lap siding. Since I am removing the siding from the log I am considering also adding a house wrap and/or insulation.

Any suggestions on a product that will not hold water next to the log and add an r rating? I have very little clearance between the log and the trim on the home so space is limited. Although there are other homes like mine in central Pennsylvania, it is hard to find expert advice. Most homeowners apply vinyl siding on top of the existing siding. I would like to try to keep to the historic aesthetics of the home. Thank you.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    S. Daws,
    There are a lot of issues here. To get significant R-value, you'll need to install at least 1 1/2 inch or 2 inches of rigid foam or mineral wool to the exterior of your house. There are ways to adjust the trim around your windows and doors to make this possible.

    For more information, see these articles:

    How to Install Rigid Foam Sheathing

    All About Water-Resistive Barriers

    All About Rainscreens

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