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I have a 1200 sq. foot california ranch with an attached carport. Recently I had a local contractor downspray the attic. He agreed to take up all existing insulation and perform the downspray. After the job I dug into the foam in 3 places just to make sure he did it right. Unfortunately, I found 2 inches of our old, old fiberclass batt insulation under his 5 inches of open cell spray foam. Should I have him demo the whole thing and redo it, or should I negotiate a reduced rate? If so, should that be 1/2 off his $1600 fee, or more or less? He understands his workers messed this up and he is ready to work with me.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I would base my decision on the quality of the job. If an attic inspection shows that the foam was installed in a way that creates a decent air barrier, I might leave well enough alone and negotiate for a lower price. However, if the job is sloppy and possibly not even air tight, then the cured foam absolutely needs to be removed.

  2. davidmeiland||#2

    如果有可能有可能通往泡沫下方的外墙但在干墙之上的路径,那会是密封的吗?这是可能的,但测试空气密封的可能性很高,首先,它的价格仅为1600美元(对我来说,SPF工作很便宜),通过测试问题 - 我,我可能不经济可能只要求该家伙去除封装玻璃纤维的所有泡沫,并重新喷涂这些区域,包括足够的额外泡沫,以完全绑在现有的泡沫中。

    Also, why did you decide to dig into the foam? Did you have a suspicion it was not done right?

  3. tomsweets||#3

    I assumed I would see scraps of fiberglass around the hatch to the attic, which is over the carport, and we didn't see anyone carting off bags of old insulation during the job

  4. tomsweets||#4

    I took off a couple of sofit vents and also went up in the attic today and investigated further. The fiberglass appears to extend all the way to the edge of the roof at the wall plate, so I guess that could be a path under the foam to the outside air. Also, there are multiple areas in the attic where there are "holes" in the foam.

    Also, I assumed they were going to install baffles, but they didn't, so I have no venting from the eaves to the attic.

    My idea is this:

    2 install baffles to communicate between the attic and the wall plate.
    4. I think they may need to spray some into the eaves after the baffles are installed because I can see uncovered wall plate through the eaves when I look into there.

  5. davidmeiland||#5

    I'd just ask them to re-do the entire job correctly. Either (a) the contractor accidentally failed to follow the terms of the job, and would want to make it right, or (b) the contractor willfully ignored the terms and should be compelled to do it right. Leaving all the fiberglass and blowing foam over it... that's nuts... they need to know that they blew it completely.

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