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When installing retrofit windows, what type of insulation works best overall? Fiberglass, open cell foam tape, or spray foam?

Bradley Williamson| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

When installing retrofit windows, what type of insulation works best for overall performance? Fiberglass, open cell foam tape, or closed cell spray foam?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Retrofit window installation does not usually require any insulation improvements to a home.

    Perhaps you are asking about air sealing the gap between the new window frames and the rough opening?

  2. Jon LaMonte||#2

    I figured you meant the gap between the window frame and the rough opening. Use a minimal expansion foam specifically for window installation so you don't warp the window frame and cause operation problems. There are a ton of manufacturers. I personally use Todol products that I get from EFI. Fiberglass insulation is not an air barrier and a waste of time and effort. More than likely the old gaps were filled with pieces of batts. They are usually covered in black, which is a sign of air infiltration. I have never used open cell foam tape (unless you are referring to weatherstripping) I personally would not use that either because the adhesives on the tape fail over time.

  3. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#3

    My trick, I oversize rough opening which gives me more room to fit low expanding spray foam in deep. I just seal the deep area, then add fiberglass to fill out area. The fiberglass stops the foam from frothing out and then needing to be removed.

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