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Wippro attic stairs

Ryan Lewis - Zone 4A| Posted inGeneral Questionson


Can anyone recommend where one can find this, or one like it ? 475 no longer carries it. Closest I can find in the US is the Fakro LWT and it’s a lot less insulated.

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  1. Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hey Ryan,

    I have no advice on how to find that product, but one of our bloggers recently wrote about installing a Battic Door and his post has some info on other options to consider. You'll find it here:


    If you are up for a do-it-yourself approach, check out these articles:


  2. Ryan Lewis - Zone 4A||#2

    Thanks! It looks like Wippro is no long carried by 475. I called them they said “no one bought it” they think it’s not distributed in the US any longer.

    My existing stairs are not the fold up kind, they are also 90 years old and largely broken. I’m planning to replace them, so if I can buy a new one with lots of insulation great. Definitely a DIYer and willing to build myself but when I can just buy it finished,
    Almost always worth it.

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