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我很好奇 - 哪种选择可能更具成本效益?

1.)与OSB保持护套,然后在整个表面上使用Prosoco关节化合物和CAT 5液体WRB…





Thanks in advance for any insight.

GBA Prime


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


    Zip System sheathing is a system. The manufacturer (Huber) recommends that seams be sealed with Zip System tape. When you depart from the manufacturer's instructions, you no longer get any warranty support from the manufacturer. Moreover, failing to follow a manufacturer's installation instructions is (technically speaking) a code violation.

  2. jackmiller||#2

    We've found the ZIP system to be less expensive in the long run because a) all the components are stocked by our supplier and thus, readily available, b) less weather-dependant, and c) doesn't require additional trade (WRB applicator). We use a combination of the ZIP butyl tape and ZIP Liquid Flash, which is a privately labled product made for Huber by Prosoco.


  3. 用户-4405197||#3


    I know I can probably get some prices to compare, but performance wise, what do you think Martin - would the zip sheathing properly sealed at the seams perform comparably better than if I covered plain OSB with the liquid CAT 5 from Prosoco?

  4. 露西夫||#4

    我在建造的房屋上使用了各种胶带,泡沫,胶粘剂和prosoco产品。我已经用Pro Clima Tescon Vana胶带修理了牛仔裤,尽管一再洗涤,但不会脱落。我有多件T恤和短裤,上面有Prosoco联合和接缝密封剂,尽管洗了2年,但它们不会脱落。您会对这些高性能产品中的任何一种都感到满意,但它们很昂贵。

    I don't think anyone knows what the lifespan of these products is since they are relatively new. The 2 main manufacturers of European high performance tapes (Pro Clima and Siga tapes) have been making them for quite awhile so we know a little more about their reliability.

    That's why people who are really concerned about building a house to last for the long term build in redundancy in the air sealing with things like tape on the outside, a smart vapor retarder on the inside, caulking around the dry wall, etc.


  5. 用户-4405197||#5

    Thanks for the info Lucy. I do plan on working closely with our builder especially during the air sealing stage. The crew will be small in that it's going to be just him and his partner along with me and my dad. My goal is to have the outside sheathing as my air barrier, which is why I've been trying to narrow down the smartest way to do it for ease of installation and cost. I realize the products are new, but getting a clean surface for tape worries me.

  6. 露西夫||#6

    I'm really glad to hear that the crew is small. I think that makes a tremendous difference in building a "Pretty Good House" or better. A framing crew comes in a slams it together so fast, you don't have time to catch mistakes. We (I say we, but I really didn't do the building) built my brother's house with a crew of 2-3 guys. It took a long time, but it is so nice and solid and quiet and efficient. My brother loves it.


  7. quinn2015||#7

    Hello Brian,



    -leslie Q.

  8. 用户-4405197||#8

    嗨,莱斯利 - 我们最终使用了ZIP系统和胶带。整个外部的猫5都太贵了,只需猫5即可运行近5,000美元。我们确实使用了Prosoco的关节和接缝填充剂以及它们的快速闪光灯进行粗糙的窗户敞开。

    Overall, we used a wide variety of products to air seal. We used a rubber gasket from conservation technology along with Tremco acoustical sealant for our mudsill. We also taped the exterior sheathing to our foundation wall using Siga Fentrim from Small Planet Supply. Our exterior sheathing served as our air barrier, and all seams along with nail holes were taped with Zip tape. Our windows were flangless from Klearwall and were taped on the outside with Siga Fentrim and sealed on the inside with Prosoco Air Dam. The slab edge along the basement perimeter was also sealed with Prosoco joint and seam filler. All penetrations including wires and pipes were caulked and gaskets were used from 475 building supply. In addition, we sheathed the underside of our trusses with OSB and taped all the seams with Tescon Vana from 475 building supply. We built a service cavity out of 2x3s to run wiring and for our low profile led cans.

    所有这一切,带有空气紧密的污泥盖导致鼓风机为0.38 ACH。我不是建造者,但这要归功于该网站上的信息以及我得到的建议使我们能够达到被动的空气紧密程度。

  9. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#9

    Well done! Great blower door test result.

    - 马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)

  10. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#10

    Thanks. You're right, of course.


    - 马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)

  11. 专家成员

    我知道这是一个旧线程,但杰克·米勒(Jack Miller)提到了Zip的丁胶带。我最近听过几次。拉链胶带看起来像Vycor之类的丁胶,但实际上是带有丙烯酸粘合剂的聚烯基底座(与雨屏材料相同的塑料)。他们添加碳黑色以保护紫外线。因此,它实际上与Tescon Vana有更多的共同点,而不是Vycor。

  12. Deucevantage||#12

    Zip 1.5 = Zip tape on all seams, but Zip Liquid flash on all horizontal seams BEFORE the tape...and of course the roller imprinted Z must appear EVERYWHERE or you make them climb up the ladder again the next day-anyone can supervisor to the extent.



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