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BS* + Beer

The BS* + Beer Show: Flashing Details

A discussion about the importance of flashing to prevent water-related building-envelope failures

How to correctly install through flashing. Image credit: Masonry Institute of Michigan

This episode of the BS* + Beer show is a sweeping discussion aboutFlashing Detailswith “big dogs”Doug Horgan,Mike Guertin,Aron Jones, andBryan Uhler. In addition to sharing a how-to video on fabricating end dams and some visuals illustrating the right and wrong ways to flash, our guests touch on topics that include dealing with wind-driven moisture, choosing products, material compatibility, sequencing and redundancy, horizontal and vertical joints, galvanic reactions, and of course, kickout flashing. Mike Guertin puts the question to the panel: What’s your favorite flashing and why? Tune in to hear the answers and pick up some expert tips.

Enjoy the show!

Join us onSeptember 23from 6 to 7:30 p.m. ETfor a conversation withDr. Jonathan Foley, Executive Director ofProject Drawdown, “The world’s leading source for climate solutions.” The nonprofit’s publications, online courses, and programs address the most pressing climate-crisis-related issues. Arguably the richest resource for real-world tactics designed to reverse greenhouse gas emissions, Project Drawdown breaks its offerings into categories that include buildings, land use, electricity, transportation, and industry, among others. Read about theDrawdown Framework, watch“Climate Solutions 101,”and come with questions. It’s sure to be an insightful discussion.


Dr. Jonathan Foleyis a world-renowned environmental scientist, sustainability expert, author, and public speaker. His work is focused on understanding our changing planet, and finding new solutions to sustain the climate, ecosystems, and natural resources we all depend on. Foley’s groundbreaking research and insights have led him to become a trusted advisor to governments, foundations, non-governmental organizations, and business leaders around the world. He and his colleagues have made major contributions to our understanding of global ecosystems, food security and the environment, climate change, and the sustainability of the world’s resources. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed scientific articles, including many highly cited works inScience,Nature, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In 2014, Thomson Reuters named him a Highly Cited Researcher in ecology and environmental science, placing him among the top 1% most cited global scientists.

Use this link to register for The BS* + Beer Show


Kiley Jacques is senior editor at Green Building Advisor. She can be reachedat[email protected].


  1. qofmiwok||#1

    Bryan made a comment (51:15) about QC'ing the subcontractors work. You can't just assume they know how to do it; you need to walk through it with them, educate, etc. I'm finding that GC's don't want to question subs, that it's deemed insulting somehow. And they also don't want to take on liability from the sub by telling them how to do it. All of which is kind of blowing my mind because otherwise what's the purpose of the GC? I'd be interested to hear what conscientious builders feel their role is in QC'ing subs.

    Mike, can you post a detail of the kick-out flashing you discussed at the end?

    1. Expert Member
      Michael Maines||#2

      It is a sign of our overly-litigious society that architects have to be careful to specify what needs to be done but can't instruct the "means and methods" of how to do it, and that one of the main reasons you hire a GC is to coordinate and supervise work but they can't tell subcontractors how to do their jobs. I don't have an answer other than societal reform, or seeking out architects/designers and GCs who have a proven record of well-crafted projects. They will be in demand and may charge higher than average rates.

      I wish I had a drawing that showed my detail as I have never successfully described it verbally. Mike Guertin share a slide that was very similar, if you ignore the pile of caulking someone added later. The next time I have that condition on a project I'll try to remember to draw it and post it here.

      1. Kyle Bentley||#3

        I believe the answer to that is 'vertical integration', meaning everything gets done in house, without splitting the project into N different subcontractors, from design, to implementation.

  2. Stephane福捷(6区)||#4

    After watching your show, I found this video about end dam on drip flashing:
    Tried it and works really well and keep the slope intact (the only thing I'm not sure I like is the front corner but I'm sure we can do something better)

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