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What started as a simple drywall patch for a friend ended with calculations of R-value per square foot



地板刚刚被染色的#2松树船,上面饰有方形指甲。扶手是每天的6010殖民红橡木,您可以在Home Depot购买。装饰的执行不如我在新泽西州的乙烯基面积房屋中所做的那么好。而且,我可以比在这所房子里做的任何人做得更好。


So, anyway, it’s understandable…

GBA Prime

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  1. michaelrader||#1


  2. Brianvarick||#2


  3. GBA Editor
    Patrick McCombe||#3


  4. KurtGranroth||#4

    The analogy to fuel economy is a good one! Back in the day, I was enamored by luxury cars and so that's all I bought and drove. I can say definitively that I NEVER cared about fuel economy in any of those cars! The closest that fuel economy came onto play was in "range" since the factor that does matter is how often you need to stop for gas -- an inconvenience -- not how much it costs. Those type of cars solve the problem by just installing much bigger gas tanks than you'd think a car would/should have.

    Carry that over into a 1.8M house and I am pretty certain that the heating bill could be a couple thousand dollars more than it might otherwise be and the owners would simply never even notice or care. A few hundred dollars a month extra is a rounding error. They would notice only if it was uncomfortable -- an inconvenience.

  5. 用户1072251||#5

    I understand Andy's frustration. Sixteen years ago I completed three high end homes where my strong suggestion to upgrade the insulation for a modest cost was turned down by all three homeowners, who preferred to spend the money upgrading their granite counters. It upset me enough that I considered leaving the building field. Instead, I took the Passive House course and embarked on building only "Net Zero" aka "Pretty Good Houses". The first step was to convince people to increase their budgets substantially, and I succeeded by focusing on comfort; by the lack of drafts, the ability to set next to any window in the house without feeling cold, the consistent temperatures throughout the house, the fact that even without a dedicated heat source the basement would be useable, that they would always be breathing fresh air, etc, etc. They understood and were delighted when they moved in.

    It does no good to offer insulation upgrades for any price unless the builder - and the homeowner understand the benefits of spending the money. Prior to my studying Passive House, I didn't understand what could be gained. I didn't understand that devoting time and care to air-sealing is a much better bang for the buck than adding insulation. What I learned is that people do care and desperately want better houses, but don't understand exactly what they are or how to build them. The builders and architects who do know have a responsibility to share their knowledge, help them understand what can be gained, and work together to stop the plague of awful houses that continue to be built..

  6. vivian_girard||#6


    Here is a good piece of evidence; one can buy a superbly reliable, safe and comfortable Toyota hybrid in the low to mid $10k for a gently used model. If one must have a car, it offers just about everything most people need and 50+ miles per gallon.

    Yet, following a trend started decades ago, in the last quarter of 2019, trucks, minivans and SUV’s have become three quarters of US motor vehicles sales. The top selling vehicles in 2019 were 3 pick-up trucks (Ford F Series, Ram pick-up and Chevy Silverado). Sedans represent barely one quarter of the current market. Nowadays most Americans choose to buy large pickup trucks or SUV’s that cost several times as much as the more economical vehicle and get a fraction of the gas mileage -with the corresponding carbon emissions- just to haul their grocery and the occasional bag of mulch. It shouldn't come as a surprise that the housing market is not that different.





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