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The U.S. solar industry警告说,国际贸易委员会的决定可以代表安装人员和开发人员的重大挫折,失去工作,以及太阳能电池板价格的增加。最后的决定仍然是几个月的。
Image Credit: Oregon Department of Transportation /CC BY 2.0/ Flickr.

The news was not entirely unexpected, but last week’s ruling that U.S. solar manufacturers have been harmed by cheap imports has opened the door to new tariffs and prompted warnings that job losses and higher prices will follow.

国际贸易委员会(ITC)一致投票支持Suniva和Solarworld Americas的申请,开始了一个过程,该过程将对唐纳德特朗普总统的新关税和最低模块价格进行最终决定。下一步是10月3日的听证会,其中ITC重量潜在的补救措施。11月13日截止日期,向特朗普发送建议。总统将有60天接受或修改ITC的建议。


In a written statement following the September 22 decision, Abigail Ross Hopper, the president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, said that Suniva and SolarWorld, both of which have non-U.S. owners, had only themselves to blame for their business problems.


Suniva, on the other hand, said the question was whether the U.S. would continue to have the capability of manufacturing solar panels.

“We brought this action because the U.S. solar manufacturing industry finds itself at the precipice of extinction at the hands of foreign market overcapacity,” the Georgia-based company said in a statement. “It will be in President Trump’s hands to decide whether America will continue to have the capability to manufacture this energy source.”


美国希望它能提供一个有说服力的案例the ITC and the president that new tariffs on solar cells and modules are not in the country’s best interests.

“We expect to be front and center in the ITC remedy process, and in the administration’s consideration of this deeply flawed case,” Hopper’s statement said.



“所有这些工作,财产价值观和清洁能源机会现在达到了今天的决定,”他告诉Greentech Media。



“[特朗普]很容易奖励他的煤炭行业的伙伴,他们真正希望看到高价太阳能电池板在网格上与煤炭竞争,”Clark Packard,政策分析师和贸易律师与保守的智库R街上研究关税的研究所告诉政客。“He may just want to stick it to people — your coastal elites who never would have voted for him who are more likely to use solar panels. He’s looking for any circumstance to impose tariffs, it doesn’t seem he cares what they are.”





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