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Musings of an Energy Nerd


Make them graceful, but also make them safe

这些楼梯的设计可以改善吗?也许。Wider treads and shorter risers would probably improve the safety of the stairs, and the sconce at the top of the stairs makes furniture moving awkward. But the bookcase on the right side is a nice touch.
图片来源:Ferguson和Shamamian Architects


Once you understand the basic principles of stair design, you’ll probably notice that lots of stairs lack a graspable handrail, or have inconsistent riser heights, or are dimly lit. Examples of flawed stairs are unfortunately common.

Why should green builders care?


  • Safe stairs require a larger area than unsafe stairs; devoting more area to stairs conflicts with the green principle favoring smaller houses.
  • Safe stairs requires excellent lighting; this conflicts with the green principle favoring reduced energy use.

I don’t want to belabor these two points, because the conflicts are obviously minor. Safety clearly trumps building size targets or energy use targets.


There are lots of good online documents on code requirements for stairs; for example:

Stair safety basics



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  1. 罗伯特·乌太克(Robert Opaluch)||#1

    Agree that 7" should be the maximum riser height, and strive for closer to 6" for safety and ease of climbing stairs, especially for children and the elderly.

    I’d add something like the following, for those who can’t view the Fine Homebuilding “subscribers only” article:
    1. Measure the vertical distance between the finish floors (height floor to floor). Divide by 7”. That tells you the approximate number of steps up the stairway, which is the number of risers. (That number might be about 15.4 for 8 foot ceilings plus floor framing.) Round the number up or down, preferably up, to the nearest integer (no fractions or decimals for the number of risers).
    2. Divide the floor-to-floor height by the number of risers. That tells you the height of each riser. It should be about 7” (maximum 7 ¾” allowed). For a less steep stairway for the safety of children and ease of climbing stairs by the elderly, try to get riser height closer to 6”, by increasing the number of risers by 1.
    For a riser height of 7”, that gives you a tread depth of 11”
    For a riser height of 6.5”, that gives you a tread depth of 12”
    4.胎面必须超出立管以上,约1英寸(3/4英寸至1¼英寸最大允许),称为“鼻子”。因此,您的胎面库存必须是胎面深度加上鼻子,或11英寸 + 1英寸= 12英寸的深度(或12英寸 + 1英寸= 13英寸深度)。如果将立管设计在胎面顶部并到达胎面的底部,则胎面储备也必须通过立管板的厚度增加,通常是另一个¾”。
    5. Riser stock would be less than the rise described above, by subtracting the thickness of any tread stock above and below it. Useful to draw a diagram of the stair design.

  2. 里德·鲍德温(Reid Baldwin)||#2

    Tread depth


  3. 罗伯特·乌太克(Robert Opaluch)||#3

    Tread depth
    Yes the formulas for computing tread width will make a comfortable and safe stride up and down stairs for adults. There are a few different formulas but they all yield similar results. Less steep stairs have both shorter rise and longer run (tread). Steep stairs have longer rise and shorter run. Like a ladder has a steep rise but very short run, and outdoor stairs have more like a 6" rise and 12" run, so you can't tumble down slippery outdoor stairs like you would tumble down a steep interior stairway or ladder.

  4. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#4

    胎面宽度通常比可能需要短的原因之一是,它们通常由木材(木材和预制OSB)制成的库存通常为11“至11 1/2”。

  5. Gfranke||#5


  6. hughw||#6

    Interesting that the Massachusetts amendments to ICC 2018 allow a 8-1/4" riser height for one and two family house stairs.

  7. 更聪明||#7


    - 饰面地板之间的垂直距离:116 1/2“
    - 地板开口是115“ x 42”
    - floor thickness is 20" and will be at 45 degrees


    1. 15个步骤,带11英寸的线(1英寸尖端)和7 3/4英寸的立管
    2. 16步,带10 1/2英寸的线(带1英寸的鼻子)和7 1/4英寸的立管

    Which choice would be better/safer? (hopefully I did my calculations right...)

    还有其他选择吗?我看到鼻子也可以从3/4“到1 1/4”。谢谢

  8. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#8

    假设您的当地法规官员同意,这两种方法都可以起作用。如果这是我的房子,我更喜欢带7 1/4英寸立管的楼梯。


    1. 更聪明||#9

      感谢Martin,遵循您的建议,将Sketchup用于绘图,这是结果(请注意,我将使用一条中央钢纵梁,该钢筋带有2英寸厚的木台阶,图纸上未显示)。从台阶到倾斜的地板上,我到底有6'5“ ...在极限上。这对您有意义吗?

      1. 专家成员
        马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#10



        1. 更聪明||#11

          Malcolm, you are right, the code says from the diagonal line (insead of the way I measured on my diagram). This means I can extend the steps to 10 3/4" and still have 6' 7 1/2" available. My 2 sons are 6'2" and 6'4", will not go under 6'7". Thanks!

          1. 专家成员
            马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#12



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