图片信用:皮博迪建筑师/奥尼尔开发 9月份,一旦基础墙壁上升并移除了施工形式,就准备就绪,防水外墙,用4英寸绝缘。高密度膨胀聚乙烯板,然后安装绝缘排水板 - a 2-在多孔网眼和泡沫球的厚三明治。 砾石浇筑和准备,4英寸。奥尼尔开发安装并拍摄了蒸汽屏障 - 15mm stego包装的磨砂板紧紧地置于砾石上。它发生了被动别墅学院主任的Katrin Klingenberg在D.C.正在进行一个培训课程,并对工作现场进行惊喜。她在这里展示了,从左,网站超天化Kauffman,建筑物Brendan o'neill Jr.和被动别墅顾问Terry Hill。 关于300 ft. of pex tubing, made by Rehau, based in Germany, was laid out on two sides of the building to create what the project's partners call a “poor man’s ground-source” heat system that will circulate water and connect to a heat exchange coil in the building’s ventilation air-intake duct. At this depth, the water temperature is expected to average 56 degrees year-round and so should help cool incoming summer air and warm incoming winter air. 遵循网站主管Keith Kauffman的建议,STEGO包装被切割在板坯顶部并嵌入密封胶中。然后Katrin Klingenberg建议添加丁基胶带层,如这里所示,以进一步确保密封。 结构绝缘板用于外壁。泡沫绝缘体在啜饮顶部之前喷射到基础壁板上。
One inspiration for a Passivhaus project that recently broke in Bethesda, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C.’s northwest border, was a wintertime visit by builder Brendan O’Neill and his son, Brendan Jr., to a home in Illinois that had been constructed to Passive House standards. The visit, as noted in an announcement about the Bethesda project, happened to occur during a blizzard.
o'neill跟着评论。O'Neills的公司O'Neills Development与另一家公司合作,主要在D.C.地区,Peabody Architects,设计和建造在Bethesda的房子。
作为Passivhaus住宅项目,这一项目更大,部分原因是家庭的高端位置和计划的内部的设施,比大多数人更昂贵。它将包括五间卧室和四个半浴室。该地区,为被动房屋规划包建模的目的,约为3,600平方英尺,虽然Peabody建筑师的校长David Peabody,指出了建筑物的真实规模,包括完成的地下室和阁楼,将是4,318平方英尺。上市价格:1,688,000美元。
该项目于8月23日突破了地面,虽然重点是绝缘和气密性的重点是可预测的。在一个点上上个月,虽然经过砂石倾倒和坦然,泡沫板被放下,紧密安装,并盖上15毫米聚乙烯隐写总结,其接缝然后彻底录音,工作地点从卡特琳·克林根贝格获得了突访,director of Passive House Institute U.S. Klingenberg was in the D.C. area for one of the institute’s training courses.
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