
本系列播客节选自为期两天的“建筑科学基础”课程,由建筑科学公司的Joe Lstiburek博士和John Straube博士教授。
人的问题就在于他们是人!没有两个人是相同的,所以很难从人们那里得到一致或相同的反应。有些人对同样的暴露比其他人更敏感。我是一个非常敏感的人,你知道,即使是对适度的接触,我的反应也很奇怪。你知道吗,少量的酒精就会让我做出非常非常奇怪的事情。不管怎样,人们在相同的环境下不会有相同的行为。所以很难对暴露提出建议,因为,你要如何选择哪一群人,或者你要和什么样的人打交道?就污染物而言,有成千上万的污染物可以处理!你会选哪一个?如果你只是试图测量污染物,你会破产的。 The problem with pollutant measurement technology is that we don’t have the ability to go into a space and measure the pollutants in the space. Now I’m going to be very careful about what I’ve just said. If you go into a space, we don’t have the technology to measure the pollutants in the space. You don’t go into a space and ask: “what’s in the air in this space?” You go into a space and you ask: “is this in the space? or this in the space? Or is this in the space? You’ve got a million choices to ask about. So when somebody says: “We’ve tested the air in this space, and we didn’t find anything.” No, what they’re really saying is, “What we tested for we didn’t find within our limits of accuracy of the test procedure that we used.” That’s very, very different from saying, “There’s nothing wrong with the air.” Just means what we tested for, we didn’t find within the limits of the test.
那你怎么知道要检测什么?在你已经理解问题之前,你不应该进行测试。所以,这就是为什么所有真正了解室内空气质量的人,比如美国环保署和亚特兰大的疾病控制中心,说你应该做的最后一件事是通过空气测试来开始室内空气质量调查。因为你用在测试上的钱都不能用来解决问题。空气测试总是会在空气中发现东西,你只是不知道它意味着什么。还有更糟的。如果你发现空气中有东西你必须问自己,它是好还是坏?更重要的是,它从何而来?我们不知道它是好是坏,因为很少有污染物已知剂量/反应关系,所以我们可以设定可接受或不可接受的限制。所以很难测量空气中的某种物质,然后说,“这实际上很糟糕,但如果它低于这个浓度就会很好。” We can only do that with very few things. Usually it’s stuff that people don’t manufacture, make, or distribute. So we have really, really good standards for radon. Why? Nobody makes it. Who are you going to sue, God? Right? So let’s say you find something in the air. Where the hell does it come from? Well, that’s pretty fundamental, or pretty important.
那么你的大楼里哪个部分最热,最潮湿,暴露在紫外线和臭氧下最多?它的屋顶。典型的屋顶是什么样的?黑色的三元乙丙橡胶薄膜。7月,你站在黑色三元乙丙橡胶薄膜屋顶上。温度是多少?180度。所以你走到屋顶上,站在那里,然后你去(吸气)——你闻到了什么?屋顶!屋顶释放出大量的挥发性有机化合物。 If you take your hand and you rub it on the top of the roof it’ll actually fall apart in your hand. If those particles get into the air we have an aerosol. So you can actually sense — feel with your own nose because your nose is actually more accurate for detecting chemicals than a gas chromatograph — and you can actually smell the roof breaking down while you’re on it. Which is why it’s always a good idea to put you’re building’s fresh air intake up on the roof. Because you then actually hoover up the VOCs and eject them right into the breathing zone of the occupied space.
这里的模具工人是谁?这里有几个做模具的。我们学到的是,你不会去寻找霉菌,因为你总是会在空气中找到霉菌。你要找的是潮湿的地方,因为那是霉菌的来源。所以你通过寻找水来寻找霉菌。对吧?所以你搜索VOCs不是通过寻找VOCs;你通过寻找会释放VOCs的热的东西来搜索VOCs。所以你通过寻找热的,潮湿的,暴露在紫外线下的,或臭氧下的东西来寻找污染物。然后问你自己,这些东西是否通过路径和压力关系与被占用空间的呼吸区相连? I only sample after I know what’s going on, in order to shut up people that don’t know what’s going on. So you don’t look for pollutants, you look for the hot spot, the wet spot, the spot that’s exposed to ultraviolet light and ozone and work backwards via a pollutant, pressure, and pathway relationship. So you do an indoor air quality investigation by thinking in two dimensions at the same time. On one axis is what? People, pollutant, path, pressure. On the other axis is hot, wet, UV. Now, there’s ozone in there, but the first three damage functions are in order of magnitude more significant than the fourth one. So the really, really important ones are hot, wet, UV; ozone is kind of important, but it’s not in the same league as the other one. Why even mention it? Because it’s not insignificant. In other words it’s not the big three, but it can cause you some grief. Are you with me on this?
现在,通过自身的这些影响每一个是烦人。两个或三个它们共同作用是非常非常糟糕。我们认为这些作为指数和协同。指数意味着每本身的影响会非常,非常,非常糟糕,但也不是一个线性增加,但一个真正的斜坡增加。因此,我们知道随着温度,每十度上升开尔文在材料加倍抽气速率。这十八个华氏度。所以,你加倍每18度的材料的捣蛋。使用乔数学这大约需要多少?二十。所以,每二十度增加你加倍的脱气。 Now, it doesn’t take very long to have a factor of four. That would be how many degrees? Forty. Cause it’s two by two, so the first twenty degrees doubles it, the second twenty degrees doubles the double. So that would be four. See you want your salary to be increasing exponentially, not linearly. Right? Ok. Now the same thing with humidity. It turns out as you double vapor pressure, you basically double off-gassing. And that’s approximately eighteen percent relative humidity. That’s purely by chance. They’re not connected, the eighteen and eighteen — it just happened serendipitously … accidentally … I can’t even frickin’ pronounce it. Alright. Now the same thing with UV light. Every ten percent increase in UV light results in the doubling of the factors. Now when any two of them are acting together, they’re not additive affects, they’re multiplicative affects, so if you really what to trash something, make it hot, make it wet, and expose it to sunlight. And then zap it with a little bit of ozone.
这是对人类,而不仅仅是材料的同样的事情。这是真的。如果你想住时间长了,你去一些地方,它的冰冷,它的干,你保护自己免受紫外线,你离市区远点,因为市区有哪些?臭氧!你吃坚果和浆果。所以,你会住了很长时间,但你会觉得苦不堪言,祝你死了。那么,是退休最差的地方?佛罗里达!因为你也要去那有什么地方?热,潮湿,湿度,这是一个市区。 So you’re going to frickin’ die. Alright, let’s go to hospitals. The worst thing to do if you’re sick is to be in a humidified space. The dryer it is, the healthier it is. So why do we humidify hospitals? Cause they’re filled with explosive gasses and we don’t want them to blow up. That’s very unhealthy. Unfortunately, you get lots of mold and bacterial growth and that’s really bad, cause if you’re sick, your immune system is weak, and you’re exposed to these opportunistic pathogens. So the most dangerous place to be if you’re sick is in a humidified hospital. It’s part of the new health care system. Alright. People, pollutants, path, pressure. Cause there’s always going to be a pathway, and there’s always going to be pressures. You can never get rid of all the holes, you can just get rid of the big holes.
那么,“干燥的空气更健康”的概念在多大程度上与被动式节能屋(Passivhaus)宣扬的紧屋(Tight House)概念相冲突呢?一个紧凑的房子可以保持室内的能量和湿度。这些概念如何与IBC对频繁更换外部空气的要求相配合,例如在学校,每个人都希望尽可能少的花费$$来购买更多的能源来加热补充空气?
在寒冷的气候冬季,高室内湿度水平是很容易通过提高通风量解决。当你写道:“一紧房子保持既节能又湿度里面,”你的语句只在冬季也是如此。在夏季 - 尤其是在炎热,潮湿的气候 - 紧房子保持干燥的空气里。在这些条件下,增大通风量使水分进入屋内,并增加了对家中的空调或除湿机的负载。
正如你所看到的,在炎热潮湿的夏季条件下,确定正确的通风率比在冬季条件下要棘手得多。专家们对炎热潮湿气候下的家庭应以ASHRAE 62.2的通风率还是接近ASHRAE 62.2的50%通风率存在分歧。当然,如果他们愿意,新鲜空气的狂热者可以以非常高的频率通风——只要他们愿意支付能源罚款(空调和除湿的更高能源成本)。
在我们开始任何涉及建筑围护结构/机械系统的改造/增加项目之前,我们以鼓风机门/红外线作为基线。许多家庭是20-25年的年龄远远低于AHRAE 62.2,甚至在初学者类别(许多polyiso超过osb)。也许没有奇怪的巧合,经常引用的哮喘发病率(以及化学敏感性)从那个时期开始上升。我同意做出明智的产品选择,但我们当时需要机械通风,现在也需要。
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