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Santa Fe Ultra98 whole-house ventilating dehumidifier installed to provide dedicated dehumidification in a home that is utilizing ductless mini-splits for heating and cooling. Image credit: Capp Mechanical.

编者注:这篇文章是GBA新系列的一部分Expert Exchange program。我们将讨论一组季度主题,其中第二个是“关于室内空气质量的全部”。该系列将在撰稿专家之间进行网络研讨会讨论。

Ductless heat pumps are increasingly used as whole-house heating and cooling solutions. In high-performance homes, one or two ductless heads can often heat and cool the entire structure. In older homes without existing ductwork—for example, homes with cast-iron radiators—ductless retrofits may provide the most cost-effective way to eliminate fossil-fuel heating equipment.

但是,我们需要HVAC系统来进行不仅仅是热量和凉爽。我们需要它们引入室外的通风空气以稀释二氧化碳和挥发性有机化合物(VOC). (As I like to say, HVAC without ventilation is just a HAC!) Systems need to mix air between rooms to even out temperature differences and prevent the buildup ofcarbon dioxide。They need to filter dust, allergens, and particulate matter from the air. And they need to maintain healthy humidity levels year-round, including during those肩部季节when we can’t reduce humidity with ventilation or air conditioning.



Ventilation: While some ceiling-mounted cassettes (for example, the Mitsubishi SLZ-KA series) are designed to draw in outdoor air and distribute it to the living space, most ductless heads do not allow for this option. In fact, unwanted intrusion of outdoor air into a ductless head can lead to issues with condensation and temperature control. For this reason, I recommend wall sleeves and thorough air-sealing for all…

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  1. Frontrange||#1

    Seems like this would work fine in a leaky house, but how's the air getting out of the house in a well-sealed house?

    1. Jon Harrod||#2

      这是个有趣的问题。查看鼓风机门手册中的压力图,即使在相当紧的房屋(2-3 ACH50)中,75cfm的供应空气也只会导致2或3个加压。实际上,这可能会少,因为在浴室和厨房风扇上的挡板在(压抑)鼓风机门测试中会非常紧张,但是当房屋处于正压下时,却会漏水。压力将大致与房屋通常从堆栈效应和风中经历的东西一致。在_Extremely_狭窄(即被动房屋)建筑物中,压力可能更高 - 在这种情况下,某些浮雕空气或平衡的通风系统可能是有道理的。

      1. Frontrange||#3


      2. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#4

        我认为,只要您的排气风扇带有挡板,就会比中度漏水的房子更容易出现问题。排气端口而不是通过无意间泄漏的空气越多,越好 - 您将水分沉积在墙壁上的机会越小。假设您将排气管设置在正确的位置,以便您在有害的地方滴水没有凝结。

  2. 专家成员
    Peter Engle||#5


  3. RGalbraith||#6

    圣达菲Ultra98与Minotair Pentacare V12相比如何?此类别中还有其他产品吗?谢谢。

  4. 专家成员
    Carl Seville||#7

    One issue that is often overlooked with dehumidifiers is the heat the generate. Air exiting the unit can be significantly higher than room temperature requiring recoolpng to offset the heat gain.

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