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伊桑T| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Finally framing! We are confronting the confounded floor sill/rim detail at intermediate floor connection in terms of air sealing. Our original detail had called for Mento to cover the entire Rim joist, but our framer was concerne, with floor hosts on hangers over Mento. Our builder was concerned about the hundreds of nail holes. So we decided to install TJIs and air seal around them. My question is whether the face of an LVL rim is sufficient for air and vapor sealing, or whether a vapor barrier should be applied to the inside face of the LVL. Otherwise we could just seal the top plate of the first floor wall and the bottom plate of the second floor wall and call it a day. Is there a reason that the air stealing should be continuous over an LVL Rim joist?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Your questions are a little confusing. One of your questions concerns "whether a vapor barrier should be applied to the inside face of the LVL." That one's easy: there is no requirement for an interior vapor barrier in Zone 5 -- merely a requirement (for most but not all walls) for an interior vapor retarder, which is a less stringent layer than a vapor barrier. As far as I know, the requirement for an interior vapor retarder does not apply to rim joists.


    空气从绝缘密封是一个单独的问题d vapor retarder questions. Of course your air barrier needs to be continuous -- so the seam where the bottom of the LVL meets the top plate, and the seam where the top of the LVL meets the subfloor above, needs to be sealed against air leakage.

  2. 伊桑T||#2

    Martin, I am sorry for the unclear nature of my question... I was excited about the new ease of use of GBA on mobile, so I posted from a jobsite using my phone. I think that lead to unclear question...

    1.我可以令人震惊的是编辑我的问题。但是我的意思是指空气屏障而不是蒸气屏障...我们将在我们的2x6框架内使用Intello Smart Air/蒸气屏障。

    2. The LVL Rim joist will be insulated on the exterior with 6" rockwool and 2"+ Rockwool on interior.

    3. As you can see in the picture, we are planning to tape (or calk in some locations) the top plate/LVL connection. We can then use caulk at top of plate between plate and 2nd floor decking.


  3. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3

    I think part of the confusion comes from the location of the rim joist. It looks for the photo as though it is flush with the interior face of the top plates. So the I-joists will be supported by hangers? Whats on the exterior of the LVL? Where is the air-barrier located? At the interior of the wall or the sheathing?

  4. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#4

    Malcolm's questions are good ones.

    But to answer your question:
    问:“ LVL是否需要内部面上的空气屏障(在每座托梁之间安装并在托梁接缝之间进行胶带),或者LVL本身是空气屏障?”

    A. The LVL is an air barrier. Just make sure that your air barrier is continuous. If you tape the LVL to the top plate of your wall, that means that your top plate becomes part of your air barrier -- so any interruptions in the top plate need to be sealed. Moreover, if your exterior sheathing is part of your air barrier, then any seams between the top plate and the exterior sheathing need to be sealed as well.

  5. 伊桑T||#5

    Malcolm and Martin



    Exterior sheathing will be plywood, but is not intended as air barrier. Exterior sheathing will have Mento and taped/flashed window surrounds acting as a WRB.

  6. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#6


    If you are using a housewrap (Solitex Ment0) as your exterior air barrier, that will work. Just make sure that the perimeter of the Solitex Mento has an airtight connection to your ceiling air barrier and your foundation air barrier. Transitions are the tricky areas.

    如果您总是打算将Solitex Mento(房屋包)用作您的空气屏障,并且如果房屋包装从一层到另一层连续,我不确定为什么LVL是否是空中屏障的问题第一位。

  7. 伊桑T||#7


    My drawing shows the intello to be continuous from one floor to the next but that was wishful design thinking, and the carpenters cancelled that plan. The ultimate solution was to tape around each I joist after blocking out the webs. No if it is true that the LVL is an air barrier than it seems that we would only have to tape the air barrier to the bottom the LVL and then again to the top of the LVL making sure that the sills are sealed and part of the air barrier.

  8. user-5574861||#8



  9. 伊桑T||#9


    Thanks for your reply. But if Martin is correct, maybe this wrapping you suggest is unnecessary because the rim joist itself (double LVL) is an air barrier itself so air barrier?



  10. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#10


    乔恩athan had an interior air barrier.

    Which approach are we talking about?

  11. 伊桑T||#11


  12. user-5574861||#12


    It is not the rim board in my case, or in your case the LVL that is the issue, it is the connections between the rim board/LVL and the plates.


  13. user-5574861||#13

    Here is a picture to show what we did. I had Siga sign off on this detail before proceeding.

  14. 伊桑T||#14

    Thanks, Jon. As you can see from the photo I posted above, in which we taped the top plate to the LVL, I think we have the air control layer under control, assuming the LVL and 5.5" of plywood on the flat count as part of a continuous air barrier. I'm concerned that the Intello won't be continuous so our smart vapor control will have a gap at the rim. To be honest I don't know if this is a problem.

  15. 伊桑T||#15

    Martin... after reading back through your responses, I started asking myself... why not make the sheathing/SolitexMento my primary air barrier? I think I had it in my mind that my interior vapor retarder COULD also be the air barrier, so it SHOULD be... but our building form is very simple and at this point I am not clear why I couldn't make the exterior sheathing+Mento my primary air barrier, with the Intello on the interior acting as a secondary air barrier. I basically have a rectangle with a shed roof and flange windows, so this could be the primary air barrier as long as it is OK to tape it to the underside of the roof sheathing and then have the air barrier shift to the top of the roof sheathing (I don't imagine we would have to wrap the eave...

  16. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#16


  17. 伊桑T||#17

    Martin, I'm assuming by your use of the word "primary", that there can be a "secondary" air barrier at the interior wall that serves more as a vapor control layer keeping vapor out of dense pack cellulose.
    (天花板绝缘是大教堂tji tji tji的密集包装纤维素。)

  18. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#18

    Don't confuse air barriers with vapor retarders.



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