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用户-7527051|发布GBA Pro帮助

1. How would a flange-less, replacement window get flashed to a plywood buck?

2. I know windows can install with masonry clips to jack studs, but can a flange-less replacement window…and still get properly flashed to the WRB (in my case 1 1/2″ Dow XPS)?

全新(2018)Kohltech三窗格替换窗(1995)Anderson Narroline PVC-Wood核心框架中安装了Brand New(无法兰)。木核框架饱和。卸下更换窗口。安德森框架已删除。大开口暴露了。没有闪光(这是安德森框架的工作)。1 1/2英寸的道琼道XP泡沫(WRB)在密封的OSB护套(气屏)上。2×6螺柱腔24 OC,带有高清玻璃纤维。


Question Details:
The Anderson frames provided an integrated sill. Now that the frames are gone, I have replacement windows with no sill. I want to install these windows with as few parts as necessary and decided to go Outtie with a picture frame casement trim finish.

The article section “Outtie Window with a Plywood Buck” notes“在窗户的侧面和顶部安装剥皮和固定闪光;闪烁应重叠窗户法兰(如果有)……”These replacement windows do not have flanges. How would a flange-less window get flashed to a plywood buck?


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  1. 格雷戈里·哈特(Gregory Hart)||#1

    The windows were 7 years old non flanged vinyl in great condition, but the frames were toast.
    I slanted the bottom of the box for drainage and used liquid flashing from prosoco.
    My windows screws through the sides and foam around the window to the box.

    1. 用户-7527051||#3

      格雷戈里,我得到了您的安装程序。如果您将Dudley Box闪烁到WRB,那么从闪烁的框到窗口的过渡又如何呢?这如何被密封?

  2. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#2

    Mike Maines, and a bunch of other high performance builders around him in New England, install flange-less windows in most of their projects. Hopefully he will chime in.

  3. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#4

    Hi Brian,

    我想您的闪烁细节将类似于Steve Baczek和船员在本文中安装窗户的方式,除了窗户在雄鹿的边缘外,您可能需要将闪烁的胶带拖到窗户并用您的装饰盖住它。这是文章://

    Also, if you add flanges, you may want to take some steps to make sure that the flanges are watertight, similar to what Mike Guertin discusses in this video:

    1. 用户-7527051||#5

      Hi Brian,
      Thanks for the response. I read the first article. I would be concerned about tape to PVC window frame is not resilient, especially for the gable walls that I'm working on - they take the brunt of the elements. Also, hiding the tape edge with too keen on that. I've been able to source nailing fins from Kohltech, so that solves the Flange-less problem!

      Trim detail: I'm considering cutting back the siding about an 1", securing the nailing fin with a 2" exterior screw through the 1 1/2" XPS foam into the wall framing, flashing the fins, installing Azek trim with a 1" face showing as finish same as the nailing fin - through foam into wall stud - and finishing the trim to the edge of the Azek.... the issue could be securing the edge of the siding....Thoughts?

      1. GBA Editor
        Brian Pontolilo||#6

        I'm not sure what the concern is with the ends of the siding. Nailing?

      2. 詹姆斯·霍森||#10

        There might be some interesting elements for you in this article, Particularly the "Zero-Reveal-Taping" (although sounds like you are going with nailing fins).

  4. 用户-7527051||#7

    Correct, nailing the ends of the siding. Maybe my head is exploding with TMI, but is the procedure as simple as this high level view?
    1. flash window to 1 1/2" XPS and secure with appropriate screws into wall stud
    2.用相同的螺钉将1英寸x 4英寸的钉子安装在闪烁的窗户上
    3. install trim secure to nailer
    4. install siding secure to nailer

    Thanks! Brian

  5. 格雷戈里·哈特(Gregory Hart)||#8

    My windows were set in place, shimmed and screws installed snug, foam around the window from the inside. Prosoco joint and seam sealed filling the gap around the window exterior, followed by a coat of fast flash.

  6. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#9




  7. 格雷戈里·哈特(Gregory Hart)||#11

    Hello Brian, yes were using foil faced rigid insulation foam r max with taped seams and staggered joints for the WRB.

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